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Yesterday was a very strange day. All of your Masters were acting weird. Well, they were all already acting weird because you called them all out on their crap when you were in the attic save for Master Papyrus, but now they were even more evasive and awkward —and now it included Master Papyrus—. It made it pretty much impossible to hold a normal conversation with any of them, but at least that gave you some time for cleaning. Luckily and surprisingly, Master Sans was the only one that wasn't treating you like you had some obscure and life threatening disease that you just didn't know about it.


Nah, that couldn't be it. You'd notice something like that...



You pushed your inward anxiety aside and continued on with your thoughts. You had spent the time you would usually use watching Master Blue or Master Papyrus explain puzzles or performing some arcane task for Master Black or warding off Master Red, lightly chatting with Master Sans. You actually rather enjoyed it along with your casual talks. It was reassuring in a sense. Especially when all of your other Masters were keeping their distance.

In fact, all this distance started after you returned from the best trip to the Monster Village you ever had. Mmmmmm, speaking of that trip...

You had gone in with literally nothing but the clothes on your back, and you were so surprised by the hospitality and mercy your received by everyone! Apparently, you were well respected considering you basically babysit six skeletons, four of which that were very entitled. And you were well liked considering you keep a lot of the monsters in business with your frequent grocery trips. Whatever the reasons, you were just happy to be around people that you weren't working for. Everyone was so kind. You got to chat with lovely people, try on a beautiful dress, and the innkeeper even let you stay at the inn if you cleaned the rooms up a bit! Though, the real highlight of the day was your exchange with a certain gentlemanly bartender.

You always liked Grillby. He was a perfect gentleman, quiet but genuine, and intelligent. Your conversations with him were always a delight, though he didn't say much. You two had actually gotten to know eachother well over all the pick-up orders you had to make for three of your tasteful Masters. You'd actually be lying if you said you didn't have the slightest crush on him earlier on in your relationship. But that immediately flew out the window when you learned about a certain coquettish spider girl that wouldn't stop bothering him. At first, whenever he told stories of her, he had seemed agitated by her relentless teasing. Then his flames starting growing a little brighter and a little bigger as he griped about her.

Needless to say, you were getting these two together. But unfortunately, as much as the spider girl was 'vexatious' —as Grillby put it— she was elusive. Grillby hadn't ever been able to get a name out of the girl, and you hadn't even seen her before! But if a hiccup like that ever stopped you before, you wouldn't be working for six capricious skeletons. You had urged Grillby to give you his number the day before yesterday in hopes of keeping in contact with him for your efforts. He grew a brighter at that and said he thought your ideas were frivolous. He gave you his number and a free plate of food, anyway.

And it looked delicious too! Until the universe decided it hated you and destroyed the plate. But whatever that was was a mystery you didn't care to solve.

Though, now that you did have Grillby's number, you realized you had no way to contact him anyway. You didn't have a phone. Maybe you could borrow one of your Masters' phone if you told them it was for the sake Grillby's love life, certainly they'd understand that way? You pulled out the number from your apron's pocket and looked at it. How were you even going to find this spider girl? You only ever were around skeletons, never spiders! Maybe next time you get sent to the Monster Village, you could ask around...

Six Skeletons, One MaidWhere stories live. Discover now