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You sighed as you walked the empty aisle of the grocery store. Your hands were full of bags, since Master Sans had sent you off with a rather long grocery list and you were near the end of the trek. You had just finished buying things from the Monster Village, and now you were almost done with your shopping trip at the Human City.

Needless to say, you were ready to get your final items and go back to the estate to make dinner.

You casually browsed the noodle aisle, wondering whether to buy lasagna noodles or spaghetti noodles, when you heard a group of girls giggling from behind the wall of grains.

"Come on, Claire! Tell how you know!" A light voiced girl spoke.

"Yeah! You always seem to be able to pick out the guys that like you!" A softer voice giggled.

"Please, I mean, it's just science." A more confident voice spoke. "It's as easy as one two three!"

You cocked your head, curious to their conversation. It wasn't like you actually cared too much about the flighty topic, but, by George, it was EXTREMELY boring being surrounded by the same people all day around, all of which that were male. So nobody should blame you for eavesdropping on an incredibly girly conversation, right?

Nah, eavesdropping was always bad, had Master Sans taught you nothing?

Apparently not, because you turned your head to get a better listen.

"The first way to tell when a guy likes you is when he starts touching you." The confident voice spoke.

"What? Like in a gross way?" The softer voice questioned.

"No! Those guys are creepy, don't go near them!" You couldn't help but think of Master Red while the confident voice spoke. "I mean in subtle ways, like 'accidentally' bumping into you and 'casually' brushing against your hand to show you something."

"Oh, hehe!" The soft voice realized.

"The second way you can tell if he likes you is in his body language! Little known fact, if you are standing next to a guy and his feet are pointed toward you, it means he's interested in you!" You weren't entirely sure that was based on scientific fact.

"Really?" The light voice said, bewildered. "I didn't know that!"

"I know, pretty crazy, right! But it's the cold hard truth. Also, if he's sitting near you with open legs, it means he's trying to be impressive and confident."

"Oooooh." The two other girls said in unison.

"Yeah, I know." The confident voice said, smugly. "The third way you can tell is if he teases you! It's a solid 100% fact that if a guy teases you, he's HEAD OVER HEELS for you!" You weren't sure where this girl was getting her facts.


"100%! Guy's don't tease a girl unless they like her!" With the exception of those that are awful.

"Wow!" The light-voiced girl said, astounded.

"Mmhmm. It's the truth." You could practically feel the confident voice pointing from behind the aisle. "The next way you can tell if he likes you is with the eyes!"

"The eyes?" The softer voice asked.

"Yes! The eyes! If you can hold eye contact with him, there's a pretty high chance he likes you. If he looks into your eyes for longer than 3 seconds, it means he's enraptured with them."

"Ooooh." The two said again.

"If he looks down to your lips, it means he wants to kiss you."

The two started to giggle, bashfully.

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