...Wait, where am I?: Part 1

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"MS. Y/N...?"

Ouch. Your head hurt. Really bad.

"MS. Y/N!"

Who was talking to you? They seemed concerned... Was it your sibling?


A little loud for your sibling... Maybe you should open your eyes. That sounds like a good idea.

You opened your eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the light. It was really bright... Was someone holding you? It felt like someone was holding you. They were very gentle...

You blinked again.

Blue dots of light were staring unblinking at you. Right in the center of two eye sockets-

Eye sockets...?




"AHHH?!" You screamed pushing away from the undead.

"MS. Y/N?" It voiced (sounding hurt?). It VOICED! It had no vocal chords, and it was making a noise. "WHAT'S WRONG?"

You scooted away from the creature, not too keen on answering it. But one more scooch back and you hit somebody's feet.

Your eyes scrolled up the person's body.

Orange tennis shoes...



You jumped away from the shoes, until your back hit a wall. The monsters were wearing clothes, like normal people, so obviously you were smack down in the middle of some kind of zombie apocolypse.

"y/n, what's wrong?" The one in the orange hoodie looked concerned.

Wait a second, zombies can't change their face shape! These are magical skeletons! Who are probably trying to EAT YOU!

You put your hands together as you sat up to your knees, "P-p-please don't eat me! I promise I wouldn't taste good!"

The two corpses exchanged looks. Suddenly, you were well aware of the door just past the armored blue skeleton. You stood up swiftly, and devised a brilliant plan.

"N-not when there is someone much tastier right there!" You pointed in a random direction, and the two looked that way. Genius plan, but there was no time to congratulate yourself.

You sprinted through the door, only to be followed by the voice of one of the corpses, "wait, y/n!"

Alright, you can do this. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. You just had to escape this... what is this, a castle? It's huge! You just had to escape this castle, with two living BREATHING skeletons wanting to cook you up and serve you as a delicious platter of strawberry-short-lived-human.

"hey, y/n, think you could help me out with-"


You immediately dodged past the blue hooded skeleton, who just seemed confused by your amazing running skills. Maybe these corpses are slow and can't keep up? That's great news, because then you can-


You screamed. The blue hooded skeleton was RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?! You hadn't seen him get there! You just blinked for a second a-a-a-and h-he?!

"what's wrong? why are you-?" It reached out to you.

"D-don't come near me!"

This startled the blue hooded skeleton. Now you just had to keep him at bay.

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