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* Inspired by Guy Richie's king Arthur. 

* This is not a fan fiction of the movie. 

*Characters are all inspired of the characters in the movie but are not the same people. 

*The events are my own. The story is my own story. 

* I've used the characters in the movie simply because I felt like they were all set up nicely and it would help you envision it easier. 

* I loved the movie so much, the cast was my dream cast. Even without them being in the movie, Charlie and Astrid were probably going to be my choice for the two main characters anyways.

*NOT based on the Arthurian legends.  


I've always wanted to write a story about like a cancer/emotional women with a maybe a leo man/scorpio man and how something he doesnt think twice about, she ponders over for days. As a cancer woman I often thought a relationship like this and how hard a relationship is for cancer people because of how sensitive we are. After I watched King Arthur I fell in love with charlie all over again but as king Arthur this time. So when my mind was going over this story in my head, Charlie and Astrid automatically took their places and everything else clicked into place.

 I REPEAT!! this is NOT a king Arthur fan fiction. I know it's very confusing since the main character's name is Arthur but I tried changing his name and I couldn't find another name that suited the character.

!!!! He's just a king who's name happens to be Arthur. It's not Arthur from the legends. There is no Lancelot or Guinevere or Merlin. This is not the Arthurian legend.!!!!


1) I am not an expert in astrology and quite honestly I don't believe one person can be one thing. I might make them do something that you will notice isn't like their zodiacs at all. I don't want people to analyse the characters and become zodiac experts by explaining why that wasn't suitable for that person. It's just inspired by a cancer/scorpio relationship compatibility. It has given me some ideas and helped develop the characters in my head. but that's just it. Inspired. Not entirely tied to it. 

2) All the photos I might use belong to their respective owners. I do not take credit of any of the pictures I will post throughout this book. 

3) If you're triggered by seemingly "weak" female characters then this book isn't for you. I don't believe my character is weak for a second, I believe she has a strength of a different kind but perhaps you'll find the fact that she easily cries or gives in weak. That's your perspective. 

4) There will be some themes here that might make some of you uncomfortable. For example, the racism one particular black character will face throughout this book. This book was in medieval times so I'm assuming people were pretty racist back then. 

5) This takes place in a fictional place that I made up so some things might not add up. for example, something might be in the story although it wasn't created during medieval times. Just keep in mind this is a fictional place so the rules and realities and history doesn't apply here. 

6) hope I didn't scare you off :) now that that's all out of the way. Flip the page.

OH one more thing. Don't copy my story and take it as your own because I'm pretty sure I can sue you for that :) 

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