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This chapter is dedicated to @caitlin400 who's the first and only person who keeps asking me to update 😂 ❤️ 

Girl right now you're honestly one of the reasons why I keep going with this story. 

Love your support. 


"I'm confused" he says 

He's leaning on the door frame, studying her. 

she wipes her face and looks at him questioningly 

"you jump in between a fight and you risk getting punished... you break the fight nonetheless but here you are... crying"

"I'm done crying" 

"walk me through the common sense of what you just did"

"he wasn't going to stop" she says desperately " he was getting too much beating...It was horrible, he wouldn't stop!" 

"why would he?"

"because!" she says "where's the decency and honor in kicking a man that's down?"

"I thought decency and honor aren't important things from where you came from?" 

she remembers the conversation they've had on the boat 

"so you give up loyalty and dignity for money?"

"what's loyalty and dignity if you're dead?" she says back "and to make sure your family stays that way too"

"what's living without loyalty and dignity?"

"That's easy to say when you're not fighting for food"  

 "but we're not from where I came from, are we?" she says "back home its life or death-"

"Winning and loosing is life or death for these me-"

"you're comparing winning a stupid duel with people who are looking for food and health care"

"That stupid duel means more to some than the air they breath. Who are you to tell them it's stupid?" 

she scoffs in frustration and looks away from him

"he should've stopped-"

"why?" he snaps 

"Because its wrong!"

"I'd beat him until he stops breathing" he says and watches her reaction intently. It doesn't disappoint. 

She looks at him In utter disgust. He ignores the satisfaction that's coursing through his body because of the scared look in her eyes 

She presses her lips together and looks away. 

"I thought I was helping him" she says softly

"you did help him"

she laughs "I didn't help him, he used my help to win" 

"you helped him win"

"I didn't want to help him win, I just wanted to stop the fight" 

"What did you expect was gonna happen?" he asks sharply "that he was going to be so grateful for you butting in that he was just going to walk away because you want him too? 

"you can't help people and expect not to be used" he says "and you can't invite strange men into your bed if you don't want to be rapped"

Flashes of the incident with James course through her brain, stripping her of any calm she managed to muster in the previous 2 hours. 

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