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This chapter is dedicated to @nah_402 who's comments are always a delight to read. Thank you for sticking with me and I hope you stay for the rest of the journey. Sorry the chapter is so depressing and shitty but hey, This ain't a Disney movie.


Katia ^^^^ Millie Brady is so pretty by the way

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Katia ^^^^ Millie Brady is so pretty by the way. She looks so innocent and sweet but the more the story progresses, the more you'll notice she's not really that kind. You will start to notice from this chapter. 

Bell yawns as she walks in the most beautiful corridor ever. The walls are white with the most wonderful paintings. 

At one point she gets warned by the woman escorting her because she stood too long in front of a painting. 

They told her nothing about who asked for her, or why. She's walking there completely blind and Bell tries to reign back her sleepiness so that she can focus better. 

The woman stops at a large set of doors and she says "your highnesses" and opens the door. 

"oh she's here" someone says behind the door. 

Bell is half blinded by the sun as she walks into the room but her gaze slowly adjusts. It's a huge room, pink and white and flowers all over the place. It grand, like nothing she's ever seen. 

sitting around are the prettiest women she's ever seen, lounging about. 

She shifts on her legs, feeling awkward and out of place. 

"what is your name?" a soft voice says and Bell's eyes connects with familiar ones. She thinks its Katia's but she's not sure. 

"Bluebell" Bell says "your highness" 

A girl whispers something into Katia's ear and the two of them giggle loudly, looking at her and laughing. 

Bell feels like a stage monkey. 

"well Bluebell" says Katia "we've heard so much about you. Haven't we Alice?" 

Alice is a very white, also pretty girl with the darkest hair she's ever seen. They remind her of Charlotte. 

Bell is shocked by the hateful look on Alice's face. 

"oh certainly Kat" Alice says "you're the one who got my brother kicked out"

Bell stares at her, confused. They must have the wrong person surely.

Then it registers into her mind. She shifts uncomfortably and looks at her feet. 

"didn't you?" Alice says 

Bell stays quite. Not saying a word. 

Someone grasps Bell's forearm in the most painful grip, pulling her left side slightly down by her arm and she feels someone's breath against her ear. 

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