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It was calm waters the first two days but today, which is the last day, the boat is in a hurricane. Bell has never felt more frightened or sick in her life. Being the skinny girl that she is, she's being knocked around easily. Barely bracing herself against the bed and the walls to stop herself from moving so much. 

Bell was too consumed with her fright and sea sickness that she only broke out of it when Richard suddenly started screaming. 

"He became like this at the beginning of the storm" Bell says when George comes in later during the day. His blue veins look like they're moving up and down, bulging out of his skin and going back in. She opens the bandage and liquid spurts out of the hole. In that terrible situation, with the men outside absolutely exhausted, wet and sticky, and the boat being turned on all directions, Bell finds herself laughing. Tears of happiness lace her eyes and she looks up at George. 

"he's healing" she says "we've found the cure" 

he screams again. 

"what do we do?" asks George 

"nothing" she says "nothing at all" 

So they let him suffer. George goes back out to help and Bell watches over Richard. 

Maybe 4 hours in, the poison was all out of his system and he was passed out. The water level has risen drastically and is still rising. She's sitting cross legged on the bed, Richard safely away from water on the table. 

The door opens and in comes the boss, drenched. Bell winces when she hears the men shouting outside to hear each other in the storm. 

Bell has her head on the wall, trying to swallow down her sickness. It's been about 4 hours of the boat rocking to and fro and the storm doesn't look like it's going anywhere. 

The boss is soaked, water dripping from his hair. His white-now translucent- shirt morphed into his muscles. 

He closes the door shut behind him and they're engulfed in silence once more. Except for the creaking of the boards and the water sloshing around, Slamming against the walls. Richard is a heavy fellow so he isn't moving much at all. 

"George told me you cured him" 

Bell swallows down a heavy lump and she opens her mouth to contradict but she soon closes it, scared opening her mouth might allow her to vomit. 

"When will it be over?" she manages to say. Her voice shaky and weak. 

he's drying his hair with a dry piece of clothing. 

"Probably would be gone by sunrise"

"What time is it?"

"About 9"

Bell shuts her eyes closed. 9 more hours to go until 6 am. 

He grabs a bucket and opens a window, throwing water out. Not that it did much difference, Bell noted.  She huddles tighter against the wall. His presence in this small room making her uncomfortable. She hates guys like him. Avoided them like the plague. The leaders. The Bosses. Attractive as they are heartless. Bastards that like to pull pranks on people but will bite your head off if you make fun of them. 

She's way too quite and self involved to get along with someone like that and one thing she hates as much as feeling helpless is unfair treatment. Treating someone better or giving someone excuses for who they are regardless of what they've done. People like that- like him -get away with anything. Unfortunately awkward book worms like her always take the fall. Almost always. Because no one cares about people like her. The wallflowers. 

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