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She's been hiding.

She knew Arthur was kidding when he told her to hide her face but deep down she took it to heart. She knew this would just enforce whatever it is they think is between them. She's been avoiding everyone like the plague. She hasn't even seen any patients for the 2 months after the incident. One, because she wanted to let things settle down first. Two, because she's afraid she might see someone. Three, she doesn't want anyone to see her. Her paranoia is getting the best of her and she knows it. Usually she can ignore her anxiety and work with it regardless but this...This is too much. So many threats looming...so many things just waiting to strike. She's never been more alert in her life. Constantly waiting for something to go wrong. She told no one nothing...and apparently no one had the guts to ask, which surprised her. But considering she went back to work like nothing happened, they all probably guessed he let her get away with it. Some people even believe that Katia made it up, which Bell would instantly refute if someone said it to her face. She won't let Katia get the blame for her mistakes. She's not mad at her because she told. She has the right to tell. She's loyal to Arthur, that much she can understand. What she's mad about is what she saw that night...her and Luke together. Bell feels disgusted just thinking about it. About them together at night and then standing by Arthur's side in the morning. Luke swearing loyalty and Katia trying to marry him. What would happen if he does marry her? Katia is going to break up their friendship. Bell doesn't want Arthur to loose his friend because of Katia. She really doesn't. Arthur might not know it but he needs Luke. He does. More than he thinks and she's sure half of the court can see it. Can see their dependence on each other, at least Arthur's dependence on Luke. 

Bell wipes the blood of her hands on her dress. She'll wash it later anyway. They just came out of a 7 hour surgery. She didn't lead it but she helped. That's all she does these days. Join in surgeries nonstop for long hours until its midnight and all she wants to do is sleep. The surgery room is private and there is no place for gossip or thinking of her. Even the head turns to a completely different person when they're in surgery. Being in surgery reminds her of her grandmother somehow. Makes her feel almost safe... 

"Maggie" says Bell, stopping short so that she doesn't run into her 

Maggie turns around and her eyes widen "Bell!" she says "I've been looking for you"

"What on earth for?" She asks, surprised. Maggie has nothing to do with her now. 

"well I was just checking on the girls and I noticed you weren't here" she looks down at her dress and she pales instantly "good heavens!" she covers her face with a cloth and her eyes water "is that blood?!" 

Bell's eyes widen. 

"oh I'm sorry" she feels bad for the nauseated look on her face. She forgets that most people don't like the sight of blood  "think of it as paint" 

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