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"wake up!"

Bell's eyes shoot open. 

She's about to scream but it comes out muffled because he has his hand pressed against her mouth. 

her eyes are wide and she stares in fear at the eyes of the man. He puts one finger against his mouth and says "shhh" 

she feels him lower her face closer to hers. She squirms as his breath fans against her ear. 

"I need you to come with me" he whispers into her ear and she stares at him, her eyes impossibly wide "don't scream..Bluebell" 

he removes his sand slowly and gestures for her to follow him. 

she lowers her shaking feet into the ground and stares helplessly as all the nurses slept around her. She almost screams but he grabs her arm, making her backtrack instantly. 

he gestures at her shoes and she shakily puts them on then he grabs her and guides her outside of the room. 

Once they're in the corridor and away from the sleeping nurses she says "what do you want with me?"

"I need your help" he says simply. 

she stays quite and they step out of the institute. She freezes and falters, almost falling to the ground when the cold air hits her and she suddenly remembers she's wearing a light, white sleeping gown. 

he hauls her up and pulls her along stumbling. 

she opens her mouth and feels hope when she sees George standing against a wall. 

he looks at her and says "couldn't you let her get dressed?"

"no time" he replies 

they reach George and they all continue walking. After a minute of walking she says "where are you taking me?"

"you'll see when you get there" replies the man she doesn't know. He's awfully familiar though and she knows she's seen him before. 

"what condition are they in?" her teeth shudder but she tells herself to take it. 

they are both silent and Bell sighs, frustrated that they aren't telling her anything. 

"he's been beat severely" 



"Is he unconscious?"

"he's awake"

"did he vomit blood?"

George shakes his head "I have no idea" he says "No. Not when I was there" 

They're walking in the city now, the bad part too. It's past midnight so there aren't many people but Bell feels really uneasy and even contemplates running away. This dirty, old village is giving her the creeps and she finds herself feeling scared. Even with George here.

Maybe they are lying. Maybe they want to kill you. 

"what are we doing here?" she asks, her voice shaking. 

"you ask too many questions" replies the man, annoyed. 

she glances at George almost desperately. 

he doesn't acknowledge her plea and says "It's this way" 

they lead her into a narrow ally and by now her heart is beating too fast she thinks she might pass out. 

she thinks she's breathing harder too. 

"Don't worry Bluebell. We are not going to hurt you" says George

"we have bigger fish to fry, believe me" says the man laughing. 

George says "no shit" and laughs with him. 

Bell feels the knot in her stomach loosen to the sound of their laughter. 

"we're here" says George and they stand in front of an old , dirty cubic building with a dirty, wooden door. 

the man knocks and says "Its Luke!" 

they open the door and step inside. Bell tries to keep in any ounce of bravery she has as she enters the house. 

the house is a very small cubic house with one window and a small, dirty couch. 

Bell's eyes widen and her mouth drops when she sees the beaten man lying on the couch. 

"What took you so long?" Arthur asks, wincing with pain. 

Bell is too shocked she doesn't say anything. 

Holy shi- 



That was evil of me but oh well. 

What do you think happened to Arthur? and why is he hiding in this shitty house in the middle of nowhere?

questions questions questions. 

I gave you a really long chapter last time so I figured maybe you deserve a short chapter this time. 

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