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She goes banging on Katia's door the next day. 

Alice opens the door this time. She frowns, almost surprised to see her. 

"What are you doing here?" she asks 

"I need to see her" she says "tell her I'm here to see her" 

Alice stares at her oddly then she slowly turns around and walks back into the room. Bell's forceful panicked look probably made Alice decide not to push her today. She comes back 

"she doesn't want to see you-"

Bell actually shoves the door opened, pushing herself through the door. Katia is sitting around some girls but they all stare at her in shock as she barges in. 

"what the hell?" exclaims Alice "I'm gonna call the guards-"

"He sent me" Bell says, looking only at Katia. Katia meets her gaze unwavering. Her eyes almost red and tired. 

"leave us" she orders 

They keep staring at each other as the woman shuffle outside the room slowly. 

Once their alone Bell shakes her head at her, her annoyance starting to show. 

"You saw him?" Katia asks "What did he say?"

"What do you think?" says Bell "he wants to know why you're doing this"

"I'm not doing anything" says Katia innocently but it's so awfully fake that Bell shudders

"we both know Luke adores you" she says and Katia's eyes harden "he'd never rape you" 

"you don't know anything about him" 

"I know that he's innocent" 

"it's my word against yours" 

"and his" says Bell "he says he hasn't done anything" 

"I'm a girl and my virtue has been taken against my will" she says "all the men will side with me and all the woman will sympathize with me" 

"How could you do this to him?" she asks, her eyes wide and lost "why...why?" 

"If this is all he wanted you can go out now" 

"What else do you want him to say?" she asks "he's lost and he's confused"

"Luke doesn't get lost and he doesn't get confused" 

"he is now!" she says "he's in prison and he has no idea why!"

"He knows why!" 

"It's not because of rape is it?" Bell asks, slowly catching on "Are you mad at him because you think he lied? Is that it? He didn't! I swore to him nothing was going on between us and he believed me. If you want to get mad at anyone because of that, be mad at me! Punish me!"

Katia's eyes widen and she says "Is he sleeping with you?" she asks "Is that why you're so scared for him? Is that why you've been rejecting Arthur?"

"What?!" shouts Bell, shocked "How could you say that!? He'd never! He adores you" 

"you have to be a whore" Katia says, ignoring Bell's previous comment "why else are men attracted to you? it's certainly not for your looks" 

"No" Bell says, too angry to even get hurt "but I have something else and it's called a personality. You should get one"  

"get out" says Katia, standing up "get out of this room right now"

"What are you going to do with him?" she asks "he's Arthur's closest friend you can't do this to them-"

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