Chapter 8

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Eros's POV:

*knock knock*

"I'm coming in." A sweet and gentle voice rang out as the door opened soon after to reveal a kind looking person outside my door.

Who is he? Why does he have long hair and such a large chest? Why does he look curvy and skinny? Is he sick?

"I've brought you some food and your meds." He said softly before sitting at the end of my bed where the guy who always calls me 'Ky' sits.

"You hungry?" He questioned caringly as I shook my head in reply but my stomach growled loudly, betraying my words. Maybe a little.

"You have to eat, dear. It's been a week already." He said persuasively but I shook my head stubbornly. What if he poisoned it? I can't trust anyone here. And why is he calling me a deer. I don't think that I look like one... right?

"You don't have to worry, dear-" I'm not a deer! "It's not poisoned and I would never poison you. I'm Lucifer's Mother for your information."

Lucifer? Mother? What's a mother? Did he hit his head or something? Who's Lucifer anyway?

Staring at him with tons of question marks over my head, he sighed softly before handing me a notepad and a pencil. "You can write your questions down if you want."

Gripping the pencil tightly as it's the first time I'm going to be writing anything for the past 20 years, I finally wrote down my first two words which looks more like scratches made by a chicken's claw.

'Hu s lucfur'

Showing him the words, he chuckled lightly before asking me back. "You mean, who's Lucifer?" Nodding at his words, he stare at me with mixed expressions, a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Lucifer is my son. He's the guy who keeps trying to feed you, yet gets food thrown all over his head instead." He laughed hearteningly as I scratched the back of my head with slight guilt. That guy is Lucifer? It suits him.

'Wats sun n mater' He read it longer this time before revealing a shocked expression on his face.

"You don't know what's a son and a mother?" I shook my head no at his words as he began to explain patiently to me word for word as I processed what he's saying.

"A son is a human male offspring especially of human beings while a mother is someone who gives birth to a child and cares for and protects her child." Her? Gives birth... how do they do that?

'R u sic? Got lums on chst n flat bilow.' This time, he burst into laughter, rolling on the bed as if I've just told an extremely funny joke.

"I'm not sick, my dear. I'm a woman so these lumps you're saying are my breasts and I am flat below as I don't have a dick like you males have." Breasts...

Oh! So the fat chef back in the castle must be a female. He's-She's round above and not flat below... but she looks... ugly... rugged...hairy...compared to Lucifer's Mother...

'U wumen... I man?'

"Yes my dear. So instead of he, you use she. Instead of him, you use her. Have you ever seen a woman or your mother before?" My m-mother... I have a mother too? I wonder how he-she looks like.

Shaking my head lightly, she let out a soft 'aww' before reaching to cup hi-her hands around mine, resulting in me flinching at her touch. "Relax my dear. I'm not going to hurt you." She assured with a warm tone as I felt myself melting under her soft touch.

Is this how a mother's hand feels like? So warm and safe? I stare at her pair of hands with much interest as she chuckled lightly at my actions. I wonder if my mother's hands are the same like hers or different... maybe rougher? Smoother? Where's my mother is Lucifer's one is with him?

Removing a hand from my hands, she reached out to stroke my cheek tenderly as I leaned into her welcoming touch. I feel... loved... but that can't be true. Only the twins shows me love. No one else does. But what's this feeling then? Why does my heart feel so warm even though a stranger is stroking my cheek? Is this some sort of witchcraft?

Just as I was about to move away just in case it was really witchcraft, I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulder before making me lie down on something soft. Her lap is soft... softer than Master's or Daddy's. Shit! I can't betray them. I tried to sit up quickly but got held back by a firm grip as she tightened her grip on my shoulder. I-Is she going to hurt me?

"Go and sleep my dear. You've been through more than you've known." She said in a soft soothing tone as I felt myself soon getting sleepy as I savoured the warmth which was generously given to me for the past week. I've never felt this warm before back in the castle. It feels nice...

Before I knew it, I feel into a deep and comfortable sleep as she continued to stroke my hair softly while humming a soft gentle tune.

Lucifer's POV:

Watching as how Ky and my Mum interacted, my heart fluttered at the sight as I got entranced by his innocence and his attractiveness.

I didn't know how Mum managed to make him open up to her but I'll say that it's way more than what I've managed to do so for the past 5 days.

He showed her emotions and expressions which he had kept hidden from me when all that he gave me was the cold and irritated look of his whenever I enter his room. It's really amazing to see what a Mother can do.

Seeing his beautiful pair of eyes flutter close as he slipped into a peaceful dream, I opened the door wider and softly at the same time before making my way towards them.

"How did you do it?"

"A mother's touch." She said with a warm smile but with a hint of smugness in her tone. Tch. "I reminded you to go slow didn't I? You can't force him to do things that he doesn't want to and then expect him to open up to you. It doesn't work that way you know."

"I know but... It's just so irritating to have him ignoring me when all I want from him is to look at me. How come he looks at you but not at me?!" I lashed, pissed off at the unfair treatment, making Mum shush me immediately by covering my mouth with her hands.

"Shhh! He's sleeping." She reprimanded in a harsh whisper tone as she pointed at the beauty who's stirring on her lap with eyes closed. "You have to learn to control your temper, Lucifer. He won't open up to you if you keep blowing at him for small reasons."

She advised as I stared down at my hands before adverting my gaze to Ky. "You have to go slow Luce. He's not what he seems on the outside. On the inside, he's just a precious little young child who doesn't know the meaning of love. Treat him with care and you'll see the difference."

Treat him with care... I can do that of course. Not like I'm desperate to make him mine by bending him over my desk and fucking his ass- I'll stop. It'll all be worth it as long as he opens up to me eventually... let's just pray hard that I don't jump down the building first due to him pissing the fuck out of me.

Hi loves, I'll be putting the book on hold first for a while even though I have other chapters ready. I realised that the response is not that good and I'm trying to see where did I go wrong with it. So ya...

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