Chapter 26

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WARNING: Longest chapter till now out of all books. Beware of boring and confusing parts.

Amerie's POV:

"I..." Daddy shot Lucy a pleading look as Queen Clover stared at him with hopeful eyes waiting for Daddy's answer.

"Shall we? Shall we?" Say no daddy. Say no. You going with Amerie and Lucy to carnival, not her. Ever since she came 4 days ago, she kept asking Daddy to go out alone with her to the carnival which daddy had promised to go together with us like wayyyy before! (A/N: Chill Am. It wasn't that long ago. It was only 3 days before Clover arrived.) I like Queen Clover but I like Lucy more! Lucy is like papa! He bathes me and tells me night night stories and so many and so many when Daddy trains! Daddy is Amerie's Daddy, not Queen Clover's Daddy.

"Pleaseee? Just this once? Tomorrow's already the day..." Queen Clover pleaded as Daddy stared at her with hesitant eyes. No no no.

"No! Daddy is going with Amerie and Papa! He promised!"

"Amerie. Stop." Daddy called out my name sternly for the first time. He never calls me by my full name... Daddy always called me Angel or Am like Papa.

"But Daddy, you promised me and papa! Daddy cannot go out with her!"


"You can't! You can't! You can't!"

"Amerie!" Daddy suddenly shouted, turning me into a state of shock. He never shouted at me. Now he's shouting at me because of her?


"That's enough. Go to your room." W-What? How can Daddy do that to me? Doesn't he remember that we had a promise? I turned my eyes towards the woman who's staring down worriedly at me. Fake... I hate her. I hate her. I hate her! I hate Daddy!

"I hate both of you!" Ignoring Daddy calls, I sprinted up to Papa's office and jumped onto his lap. With Papa around, I don't need Daddy.

"What's up, Am?" Papa asked softly as if he could read my mind. Shaking my head, I readjusted myself to hug him while laying my head against his comforting frame.

"Nothing Papa..." Before I knew it, I've fallen asleep against on Papa's chest as he played with my hair. I love Papa...

Eros's POV:

'I hate both of you!' Those 6 words may seem so short but it really cuts deep. Amerie words echoed loudly in my mind as I watched her ran away from me despite my calls for her. What kind of Daddy am I? Am I even Dad material? I don't even know how a Dad acts! Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a Dad...

"I-I'm sorry, Kai. I didn't mean to-" Clover apologised fearfully. Scared of causing a strain between mine and Amerie's relationship, scared that it's her fault, scared that I'll ignore her. Fear and regrets are the only emotions lingering in her eyes.

"It isn't your fault, Clove."

"It's my fault, Kai. If I didn't-"

"Stop. If I say it's not your fault, it's not your fault. It's mine. I'm not cut out to be a parent unlike Lucifer. Lucifer cares for her, watch her sleep, made her bed, bathe for her, cook and feeds her, plays with her and even makes her laugh. I? I train from morning to night, Monday to Sunday, 4 to 12, I barely even get the chance to talk to her. What kind of Dad am I even?"

"A great one." Huh? What did she say?


"A great Dad. You train hard to protect Lucifer, to protect your daughter. You're sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of your loved ones. Trust me. You're a much greater Dad than you think. About the carnival, I'll let you 3 go. I'll ask the 2 big teddy bears to accompany me instead." She chuckled lightly when referring to her two buff bodyguards.

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