Chapter 17

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Third Person's POV:

"Have you all paired up with your partners?" Eros questioned as he scanned the 2 groups with sharp eyes.

"Yes Alpha!" They hollered out instantly, except for one. Benedict. Benedict held a dark scowl on his face as he gritted his teeth at the shorter and smaller guy standing beside him. He was itching badly to land a punch on his so called 'Alpha'.

'He just have to make us pair up and worse, pair me up with this nobody!' He spat furiously in his mind as he glared at his superior who was glaring right back at him with cold hard eyes.

"Do you have a problem, Benedict?" Eros called out with slight irritation in his emotionless tone, sending a shiver down everyone's spine, including Benedict's.

"Why the hell must I be paired up with him?" He spat, annoyed by the look Eros was giving to him. 'Fucking asshole. Alpha my ass. Who the hell does he think he is. He just came in for less than 3 months and now he's the fucking Alpha.'

"You'll be needing his help to protect your back and he needs your help to protect his during the battle."

"Hmph! He? Protect me? For fuck's sake! You're fucking joking. I can handle myself alone. I don't need his burden ass to interfere." He shot out crudely, causing the rest to freeze at his words. Some glared daggers at him for insulting their comrade while the others simply stood rooted to the ground in fear as they waited for further orders from Eros, who've earned their respect throughout their week of training.

Deciding to simply ignore his idiocy, Eros stared back at him with a bored look on his face before turning back to the rest of the pairs and gaining their utmost attention. "I've been notified that the enemies are heading towards a village up North so we'll have a change of plans. Pairs 1 to 5 will focus strictly on rescuing at many villagers as possible while the rest will fend off the enemies. Do whatever you can to stop them from invading the village's square as that's where the village's shelter is located. Also, be reminded that all of you are to stay in your pairs at all times. Got it?" He commanded without a hint of hesitation in his voice as the pairs saluted in acknowledgement.

'H-How dare he ignore me!' Benedict was practically fuming at the same moment when he realized that he was simply ignored. Not only by his 'Alpha' but also by his comrades who always used to support him all the times before. 'He's going to pay for this. First for making me look like a fool on the first day that he came, second for making us do all those torturous exercises, third for pairing him up with someone weaker and lastly for humiliating him and making his comrades turn their backs on him.' His evil smirk grew wider with every passing second but was not gone unnoticed by Eros who was eyeing his every movement.

'This is going to be troublesome.' Eros couldn't help but let out a sigh upon turning to face front where the faint outline of the castle seems to appear. 'Seems like we're here.'

How the castle looks like ^

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How the castle looks like ^


Hungry flames devoured the houses as they crackled and danced with the cool breeze that helped to spread them further for the flames to feast on the other standing houses. Screams and cries echoed the area as villagers escaped towards the village's center for their life. Deep chortles filled the land as large men in the same horrendous outfits infiltrated the flaming houses, not fearing that they would get scalded or buried by debrises.

Eros swiftly advanced towards his preys while hiding in the shadows, 6 of them who were too busy rummaging through the villagers' possessions to even sense his presence. He grit his jaw at the sight as he held back his growing anger. He couldn't find the right words to describe their disgusting actions. He couldn't believe how people can even attack and then take advantage of those weaker than them. 'Monsters.' He growled lowly, finally finding the right word to describe those despicable beings.

Shedding his katana from its scabbard, he maneuvered his way agiley and stealthily into one of the burning hut where he sliced off the heads of the two 'monsters' off their shoulders without any warning. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the other houses until all 6 of them are down with their heads cut off cleanly, bodies strewn over the place.

Dusting the dirt off his black camouflage pants, he stepped out into plain sight, spotting the worst sight possible. Benedict was cutting his way through the enemies in front of him mercilessly, opening a path for him and his smaller partner who's stumbling behind him breathlessly as blood flowed down his open wounds like a leaking tap.

"Ben- I c-can't..." The smaller guy gasped out while panting heavily as he gripped his chest in pain.

"Shut the fuck up burden! If you can't keep up, stay away from me." Benedict snarled at his weakened partner before speeding off. Eros had to hold himself back as he watched the scene take place. He couldn't help but want to pounce on the bastard to punch the lights out of him for abandoning his comrade, his partner no less.

Being left behind by his partner, the smaller guy let out a shout of despair when he saw 4 large shadows advancing towards him in an extremely fast pace. 'So this is how my life ends huh.' He let out a defeated sigh as he laid back against the rubbles, silently awaiting his final death. He couldn't feel any pain any longer as blood streamed down his wounds. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was to fall asleep to end his suffering. Closing his eyes, he succumbed to the darkness as he dropped his hands to his side, too weak to even move them.

"Are you okay?" A hand shook him awake as his eyes fluttered open to see his superior staring at him with concern. He nodded slightly as he stared at the dead bodies that laid around them in just a moment of seconds. 'He really is awesome.' The guy thought to himself as he watched his Alpha scanned through his injuries with a worried look in his eyes.

"I'm going to get one of them to bring you to the castle. You're going to die from blood loss if you don't get patched up soon. Stay here and don't move. I'll be back soon." Eros comforting voice soothed the male like a lullaby as the male nodded before falling into darkness.


After showing a pair to the injured male, Eros groaned softly as he grasped his side which was bleeding heavily. One of the enemy had managed to stab his side when they had managed to ambush him while he was rushing to find help for his injured man. Removing his hand from his wound, he cursed silently when he saw that his hand was coated in fresh red blood. It was worse than he had expected it to be.

Just as he was about to leave the abandoned area, a loud piercing scream rang through the air, making him snap his head quickly to the source to spot a little girl no older than 5, getting chased by one of the enemies. "Come back here you brat!" The monster spat as he chased after her. The little girl's long hair sprawled all over the place as she tried to frantically swipe her hair out of her face while trying to escape the large man chasing after her...

To be continued...

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