Chapter 41

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3rd Person’s POV:

*Thump* The sound of yet another unconscious body sounded, causing the people meditating to panic silently, worrying when will it be their turn for their bodies to give in.

It’s been 5 days since they’ve been trapped under the fallen tunnel yet it felt like an eternity to them. Not to say, food and water were scarce hence half were kept as emergency rations while the other half were distributed to the children and elderly there which thankfully was less than a handful. Emergency rations were given to those who weren’t able to hold out and had fainted, in hopes for them to hold on longer till they’re rescued. Other than a few colds and coughs being passed around, the other passengers were still holding up strong as they followed Eros’s solution of meditation which deemed great help.

Opening his eyes in full alert, Eros rushed towards the unconscious lady, lifting her up gently before bringing her to the makeshift emergency side, which is the opposite side of the train, where clothes are laid out on the ground as cushions before laying her down gently.

“Kai, do you need some help?” Jay offered in concern, only to earn a soft smile from him as he poured water into the lady’s mouth slowly, making sure that she doesn’t chokes on it.

“Thanks Jay but I can handle it. Can you help me watch over the others until I return?” Jay nodded immediately at his request before walking back slowly, so as to not waste his energy that much due to the limited ration left. All he’s left with is 2 bottled water and a few packets of snacks. On the other hand, he’s worried about Eros who’s been constantly on high alert and rushing around helping those in need.

Just as Eros prepared to stand and return, a sharp pain shot through his chest, making him double over under the pain which rendered him breathless. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead as he felt like vomiting but ended up coughing badly since there’s nothing in him to throw up. The sudden outbreak of violent coughs made Jay dash back within seconds, just in time to support the falling frame of Eros’s as Eros heaved to regain his breath.

“A-Are you okay?” Jay questioned worriedly upon seeing the state Eros was in. Due to the darkness in the tunnel, he wasn’t able to see how pale Eros was at that moment.

“I’m fine. Accidentally choked on my breath.” Eros chuckled lightly as Jay released a long breath of relief.

“Thank goodness. You scared me for a second. Don’t push yourself too much okay? Call me if you need my help ey.” Jay had grown attached to Eros over the days and looks up to him as a fatherly figure, one that he doesn’t have since born.

“Yes Jay. Thanks for your help.” He said sincerely while being glad to have such a reliable young companion with him. ‘He’ll grow up to be such a fine gentleman.’ Eros thought as he ruffled Jay’s hair fatherly.

“Anytime.” Just as Jay left his field of vision, Eros unclenched his fist which he had hidden behind his back, revealing a pool of sticky red substance which he had coughed out just minutes ago and had coated all his fingers effectively. The feeling which he was all too familiar with. The wound opened...and he knew it was bad. Without the oxygen tank with him, he won’t be able to get much air into his lungs and the wound will only cause blood to enter his lungs and cause him to choke on it. It was only a matter of time. Days he hope but hours may also seem possible. He hoped that he’ll at least last till the others are rescued.

Wiping the blood on the inner side of his shirt, he collected himself up, taking deep breaths before pacing himself back to his spot where every individual is in his depth of vision. Leaning back against the cool metal frame of the train, he went back into his state of meditation, focusing on only his surrounding sounds and not on his wound. He’s just going to tough it out until the last second. That was his final thought that flashed through his mind before he went into the deepest state in his mind.

Back in the castle…

“From the back? Can’t we rescue them from the front of the tunnel?” Lucifer questioned confusedly, unable to understand why they had to make a long way round to the back just to rescue the victims.

“King Merci, it’s not that we do not wish to do so but the front is more prone to collapsing compared to the back due to the lack of support to the structure.”

“How long will it take for the necessary vehicles and machines to be brought to the opposite end?”

“1 day max, Lord Vincentino. We have to create a new lane and support for our vehicles to travel to the other end.” Lucifer opened his mouth to express his confusion but got his answer before even asking when the professional continued. “We are not able to just create a road like what we’ve did to rescue those stuck at the back of the train as compared to humans, the vehicles may cause the soil beneath them to get eroded. If such this happens, it may risk the heavy vehicles to tumble down the hill and onto the collapsed tunnel which is what we’re trying to avoid.”

“I understand. When can it start?” Vincentino approved readily to their plan as he signed the official papers for the rescue to take place.

“By noon, my Lord. We’ve ordered the materials needed yesterday to be transported over by today. Once we get them, we’ll start work immediately.”

“Great. Thank you for all your hardwork, Klief.” The professional’s eyes widened slightly as tears sprung out of his eyes when he realised that Vincentino had actually addressed him by his name. He thought that his lord wouldn’t bother to know their names but he was wrong. Vincentino had put in effort to learn every individual’s name beforehand despite his piling duties to be completed and as the King of his land, he believed that if you do something, you have to put in 100% into it.

“It’s my duty and honour, my Lord.” Bowing deeply to his Lord with new-found respect, he straightened up his back before excusing himself as he rushed out of the castle and to the port where the materials will be shipped to.

“You’re a great King, you know.” Lucifer complimented out of nowhere, making Vincentino switch to his playful mode. ‘No harm trying to lighten the mood.’ Vincentino thought as he started flirting with the King who instantly regretted his words.

“Oh? My my. Have merci on me ay, Lucifer darling. You’re making my heart flutter.”

“Shut up Ginger.”

“Awwww. You remembered your nickname for me. I’m so touched, Lucifer darling.”

“I swear you have a screw loose.” Lucifer joked, knowing that the red head was trying to lighten the mood.

“Ouch! Lucifer darling! How can I be loose when I haven’t been screwed for so long? That’s mean, Lucifer darling.” Vincentino whined as he pouted at Lucifer who facepalmed himself hard but still ended up chuckling nonetheless.

“Sometimes, just sometimes, I’m glad to have you as my friend.”

“You betcha, Lucifer darling. Everyone all wants me as their friend.” Vincentino winked at the comment as Lucifer shook his head in disbelief at his large ego. But nonetheless, he was glad.

‘Just a few more days and I’ll see you again soon, my love. Wait for me.’ Lucifer prayed silently in his mind as he stared at the bright sky through the window, dreaming of proposing to Eros under the same sky.

“Lord Vincentino, Lady Jasmine is asking why her son isn’t back yet when he’s supposed to arrive days before.” Klaus, one of Lady Jasmine’s aka Jay’s mother’s personal guard, appeared with a frantic look on his face as he awaited for a reply from his Lord. This made Vincentino sigh deeply, wrecking his mind on the most realistic reason he can give.

“Take me to her.”

Why meditation works:

When one meditates, it calms you by slowing down your heart rate, your breathing and your metabolism, while decreasing cortisol levels, oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide emission. This hence reduces the need of intake of food as lesser energy is burned, allowing the body to survive longer on its previously stored energy. With a lower heart rate, less water is lost as water vapour to the air while breathing and as sweat, retaining more water in the body.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now