Chapter 40

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Filler/ not so much of a filler chapter ahead. Kinda boring so read at your own risk.

Third Person’s POV:

“Lord Vincentino! King Merci is making his way in to see you!” The guard announced panickingly, fearing for his King’s safety. Vincentino on the other hand grinned widely as he laid back comfortably on his throne, awaiting for the amazing view to grace his eyes. The view of course, are Lucifer’s muscles which captivated him at first sight.

“Let him in and don’t let anyone else disturb us.” Vincentino ordered ever so calmly even though his heart was racing at 100km/h.

“Y-Yes, Lord Vincentino.” Just as the guard left the room, the doors flew wide open once again, this time, revealing an out-of-breath Lucifer.

“My gosh! What brings you here my love? To see me? I’m honoured.” Vincentino gushed as he openly eye-raped Lucifer without mercy. “Are you finally going to accept my love for y-”

“The tunnel has collapsed. Jay and my boyfriend are trapped, along with the other passengers.” Lucifer spoke firmly, causing Vincentino to shut up instantly with a serious look on his face. The only time when he’s serious is when it comes to his younger sister and his nephew.

“Is Jay safe?” He questioned worriedly, not knowing how his sickly sister would take the news if something happened to her son.

“Yes for now but we don’t know whether the rubbles will collapse further if we don’t do anything soon.”

“Tell me more about it. The whole incident, how many civilians are involved and the exact location. Everything. Tell me everything you know.” This made Lucifer sigh in relief, knowing that the happy-go-lucky King is finally serious for the first time towards what he’s saying.

Wasting no time at all, he sent out an order to the Disaster Response Team and the Disaster Surveillance Team to survey the area of incident and had them to report back within 6 hours on the strategies and the pros and cons for each strategy given and what the ideal plan will be like.

“How long do you think we’ll have to save them, Joe?” He questioned the anxious doctor which he had called for immediately after sending the 2 rescue teams out.  

“10 days max, Lord Vincentino, if there’s no food and water.”

“Then we’ll have to make sure that we get them out within 7 days tops. There may be children and elderly stuck inside there and they may not be able to survive as long as an adult.”

“Agreed. Let me go get the specialists in the different fields to give us more solutions. In the meanwhile, I’ll get a room ready for you-”

“That’s fine. Can you give me a tent instead? I would rather stay somewhere near my boyfriend than here just to make sure that all’s fine.” This made Vincentino sigh loudly at the other King’s careless words which may land himself into his own grave.

“As far as I understand your choice of action, I do not suggest you doing so, King Merci. You are still the king of the Land of Dark after all and you won’t know who will be lingering out there and after you. I believe your boyfriend will not wish for you to behave that recklessly too.”

“But- fine. But I’ll be going there early morning and stay there till late night. Just in case anything happens.”

“I’ll be accompanying you too, along with a few guards, if you don’t mind. My nephew is trapped in there after all.”

“Of course not. Shall we check out the site now?”

“Not until the teams come back. We won’t know how safe it is there and whether or not there are other explosives located near the site.”

“So we have to wait?!” This made the passionate lord raise his eyebrow at the impatient King, wondering if he really was the passionate one and not the love-struck sotong before him.

“Technically, yes. We wait.”

Tsk. Fine…” Lucifer groaned in frustration before slumping back down onto the seat which he had jumped up from beforehand.

“Anyways, why did you travel here with your boyfriend, Lucifer darling?” Vincentino sent a flirty wink at the grumpy King, hoping to take his mind off the accident though he himself is also worried about the current situation.

“Just a while ago, you were calling me King Merci and now, Lucifer darling?”

“I’m trying to lighten the situation here darling. Get the hint won’t ya.” He pouted, well, as adorably as he could, only to earn a cold gaze from the King who also apparently, gives no ‘merci’ to jokes. “Awww come on, Lucifer darling... What we can do now is stay positive and hope that our loved ones and the civilians are able to escape safely. Soooo...whatcha doing here? Proposal?” Vincentino joked lightly and he was glad that he did so as he had managed to arise a reaction from the King.

“Yes.” Lucifer confirmed without hesitation.

“Ahhh I see I see….wait. WHAT?! P-P-Pro-PROPOSAL?! Really?!”

“Yes? Why would I lie?”

“Nooooooooo! I can’t believe I lost you to someone else, a man to be exact! Goodness. He must be a beauty ey.”

“Not only the most gorgeous but also the kindest person on earth.”

“Wow.…” The red-head couldn’t help but get awed by how deeply in love the cold and emotionless King was, even though it was a pity that his years of chasing failed to even spark a flame in the closed heart of the stunning male.

“….” How Lucifer wished that he can get Eros out of the mess immediately and finally propose to the man he loves. He swore to himself that he will waste no time in making Eros his once he gets the chance to do so and he plans on making it perfect.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now