Chapter 37

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Third Person’s POV:

“Done. How to do feel Kai? Any discomfort?” Doctor White peered down worriedly only to see Eros smiling slightly with the heavy burden off his shoulders. ‘Seems like he’s fine’, thought Doctor White as he watched in amusement as Lucifer fussed over Eros, making sure he was truly alright.

“I’m good. Thanks doctor White.” Eros smiled gratefully in response as he pushed Lucifer away from his sight to face the doc, thanking him for the help he’ve provided till now. With the heavy metal tank off his back, he felt like he was floating in the air with every step taken.

“You’re welcome. Just take it easy kay? You’re not fully healed yet so do watch out of yourself. Take care of him, Lucifer and make sure no strenuous activities or it may just result in a lung failure again if the wound accidentally opens. The wound hasn’t close fully after all. We won’t want that do we?” White’s warning sent a cold shiver down Lucifer’s spine as he nodded quickly, making himself a mental note to piggyback Eros wherever he goes, though knowing that it will effectively piss him off.

“No Doc. I’ll take note of it. So he’s fine without the tank right? Confirm?” This made White sigh loudly at Lucifer’s question but nonetheless nodded at him patiently.

“Yes, boy. Chill will you? Just take note of what I’ve said before and nothing bad will happen.” Giving White a noted sign, Lucier swooped Eros into his arms bridal-style and out of White’s office, much to Eros protest which seemed to just fall on deaf ears.


“What is this?” Eros questioned curiously as he stared at the large and not to mention long piece of rectangular cuboid before him

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“What is this?” Eros questioned curiously as he stared at the large and not to mention long piece of rectangular cuboid before him. The majestic size of it took his breath away as he watched passengers fill the space inside with wide eager eyes, making Lucifer chuckle as he watched him adoringly from the side.

“It’s called a train, my love. It’ll bring us to another destination.” Lucifer finally spoke up after snapping out of his trace. The more he stared at Eros, he more captivated he was by Eros’s beauty.

“It moves?” Asking the question so innocently, a light chuckle left Lucifer’s lips as he took Eros’s hand in his, leading them to their cabin door.

“Yes. Like the cars and carriages you see, they serve the same purpose, only that this is used for longer distances. Like land to land.” The new load of information wowed him, making him even more interested to see what’s inside the train. Just his luck, they finally reached their door and was nudged lightly by Lucifer to enter, which he wasted no time to climb up the stairs and into the elegant looking interior which is packed with people of different fancy attires and hairstyles which scared Eros slightly due to all the overwhelming differences.


“Yes love?”

“Why are some people wearing bird nests on their head? Is it a new thing to do on this train? And why are some of their hair colour like blueberries and… period blood?” The naiveness of Eros’s made the whole question even more funny to Lucifer, causing him to burst out laughing loudly, not caring that people were staring at him. After regaining his composure, he pulled Eros gently to their seats before explaining patiently to him about his new encounters.

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