Chapter 19

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"Thanks Clove." Two of his man quickly dashed to Eros's side to help him to his feet before leading the rest and of course including Amerie to the plane as they got ready for take off. Little did they realize that the Queen of the Land of Ice was blushing 50 shades of red upon the nickname given to her.

"Daddy." Eros turned towards the source of the soft voice to spot his adopted daughter squirming on the spot.

"What's wrong, angel?" He stared down worriedly at Amerie, making her blush before motioning him to bend down. Bending forward slightly, Eros let out a shaky breath upon the strain he had inflicted on his wound, forgetting that he was hurt badly and bending down wasn't the brightest thing to do. Kneeling down in front of her instead, Amerie quickly leaned forward, whispering into his ear as softly as possible.

"I need to pee, Daddy." She let out a whine at the end as she tried to hold her full bladder in, showing how urgent she was. These actions made Eros let out a soft laugh before asking the Beta and also a father of 2, Luke, to help his daughter to the toilet when he remembered that he has to contact Lucifer to update him on the mission.

Standing up, he swayed confusedly on the spot as he tried to focus on his surroundings though his blurred vision. He felt light-headed and nauseous. He urged to just lay on his back as he felt his legs turn jelly, unable to muster up any strength to keep his frame up. 'Shit.' He cursed inwardly when he looked down to see his shirt soaked with his blood. The bandages were apparently soaked through as he felt blood trickling down his toned torso, staining his pants with his blood.

Shaking his head to clear the fog, he regained his vision slightly as he stumbled slightly to a phone near the pilot before dialing Lucifer's number, which he had kept in his breast pocket.

"Hello?" Lucifer's comforting voice entered his ears, making Eros sigh as exhaustion left him momentarily upon hearing his voice. Leaning against the wall for support, he rested his weight against it as he held the phone with all his strength.

"Mission complete." He breath out in a calm tone, not wanting to worry Lucifer. He felt his vision fogging up again as his remaining strength drained from him.

"Great job. How's the guys, Kai?" Hearing Lucifer compliment, he couldn't help but feel light-hearted as his heart fluttered slightly. What was he feeling? He decided to figure it out later as he turned towards the loud chatters which were giving him a headache.

Turning to the rowdy members who were boasting about how many they have killed despite their injuries, he knew that they're more than fine if they got the energy to behave that boisterous.

"They're fine..." He paused for a while, catching his breath before continuing, "... Nothing serious." Eros's vision darkened as he felt his legs giving way, not even a single ounce of strength left in him.

"I see. When are you guys coming back?" He felt like sleeping. He wanted to open his mouth to reply but he couldn't find any strength to make a sound.

"In-" Before he could even reply, he submitted to the darkness when he felt the last of his strength leaving him. The phone make a loud 'thump' upon swinging against the wall followed by a loud 'bang' which sent the whole plane into a frantic mess.

The Third-in command immediately jumped into action upon seeing his unconscious Alpha on the ground as the rest panicked. Some rushed to the back of the plane to get the medical equipment while the rest rushed to get whatever they deem will be useful.

"Someone help me get him up the seats!" The Third-in-command, Warren, exclaimed as one of the men rushed towards them to help lift Eros frame up onto the seats carefully (Just imagine the seats are joined together in 4 rows, 2 rows facing each other). "Someone update King Merci on the situation! We may need his permission to make the pilot speed up!"

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now