Chapter 14

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QOTD: What do ya’ll wanna be when ya’ll grow up? I’m aspiring to be an Interior Designer so I’m on my way to my first step!

Damon’s POV:

Tsk. Can my legs be any slower than this? I don’t remember this area being so huge.

Leaping from tree to tree, I sprited as fast as my legs could carry me into the castle grounds. Tsk. Stupid human legs. Wings will come in much more handy in such cases. Ah screw that. Speeding up my pace, I pushed forward as the castle came into view. I’m in. Nice.

Just then, a loud scream resounded throughout the area. Eros. Shit. He better be alive when I get there or I’ll personally slaughter them all. Kicking up my speed by a gear, I sprinted towards where the sound came from only to find myself at the back of the castle. Wait… why aren’t there any guards on duty? It’s 6 am already… oh well. Not that I’m complaining.

Jumping over to the nearest possible tree to the castle, I hid among the leaves as I peered into one of the windows which seems to lead to the kitchen. Jumping down silently, I crawled over to the window ledge before crouching down low. Gosh, I feel like a peeping tom.

“They’re charcoal eggs! Why did you throw them away?!” Eros? That sounded like Eros! Lifting myself up quickly, I peered into the window to find Eros’s back facing my way as he bickered with another male who’s wearing a… yellow frilly apron… with cartoon bees on it… nice fashion... Does everyone in this kingdom have the same weird ass fashion as the castle’s chef?

“They’re not charcoaled Kai! They burnt! Of course I’ll throw them away!” Kai? But that’s Eros- wait…

Simple. I knocked him out… with a rock. A large and sharp one too. He collapsed immediately.

Who knows? His head was bleeding like mad. It was a beautiful sight, I must say.

Did Eros lose his memories? Did he get rescued by them? But it’s impossible right? We were attacking the castle then so unless he managed to get away but then got attacked by Josiah when he was trying to infiltrate again… but why did Josiah have to attack him though? Argh! This is all messed up! I give up. I’ll just go with the flow. My brain never works when it’s outside the battlefield.

“You ass! How dare you insult my cooking skills!” Um… I doubt Eros can cook at the first place… I doubt he even knows how to boil water.

“I just don’t want us to get food poisoning. You, go and sit. I’ll cook.” Eros huffed at the cook before shaking his head stubbornly like how he always is.

“No. I’ll cook.” He glared at the cook hard, starting a staring battle between them. Eros will win.

“Tsk- fine. You’ll cook but under my orders.” The chef finally gave in before digging the fridge for ingredients. Told you Eros will win..

“Deal.” Grinning widely, he started zooming around the kitchen eagerly as he took out whatever equipments needed by the chef before dashing back to his side as they begun making breakfast. He seems… genuinely happy… I’ve never seen him like this before. Although he has lost his memories, he’s genuinely happy here. The bright smile on his face and the cheerful glint in the eyes shone brightly as he messed around in the kitchen with the chef after his ass for causing trouble.

So this is it huh. I guess this is where it all ends. I’m so glad for him.

Goodbye, Eros. From now on, you’re Kai. Eors is dead and Kai is born. Remember that, Kai.

I really hope that the heavens will have mercy on you that you’ll never ever regain your memories. Never.

Taking on last longing look at my best friend, I turned away before sprinting back to my boat.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now