Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV:

"Aren't you going, Lucifer?" Jessica called out gently to her son as she knocked on his door as a reminder.

"I'll be down soon." Lucifer groaned while burying his head in his pillow. He felt like shit.

Picking himself up lazily, he stumbled into the bathroom to face a zombie in the mirror. Prominent eyebags, a slight spiky stubble and a blank look painted his face. He let out a humorless huff at his own look before taking a quick shower and then putting on a pair of black jogger pants and a black t-shirt. Not forgetting his boxers of course.

Emerging from his room, he trudged towards the kitchen to fix himself a simple breakfast bowl of fruit loops and chocolate milk before making his way to the two pristine white doors. Giving it a slight glance, he let out a deep breath as White's words rang though his mind, making his heart race.

' I'm sorry son. We lost him once already and we almost lost him for good. So if he ever flatlines again for the second time, we may not be able to bring him back again like this time.'

Lucifer let out a loud groan, running his hand through his hair messily, almost spilling his bowl of cereal at the same time. He's scared stiff.

What if he flatlines again?

What if I lose him for good?

What can I do to help?

Is there anything I can do for him?

He pondered on and on, only scaring himself further. So distracted that he didn't even realize a little girl sitting on the chair beside Kai's bed until he almost sat on her.

"Kyaaa! Get away!" Amerie screamed in surprise when she felt a weight on her, immediately pushing the weight off her, which turns out to be Lucifer's ass.

Her scream snapped Lucifer out of his daydream as he stared confused at the little girl, not remembering seeing her anywhere before. 'Who the hell is she? Who even let her in here?'

"Who... are you?" He questioned hesitantly, not knowing how to approach her.

"I'm Amerie. Now get away from my daddy, you big baddie!" Amerie took out a gun from her back before pointing it at Lucifer, making his eyes shoot wide open in fear and disbelief.

'Where did she get the gun from and how come does Kai have a daughter?!'

"L-Let's talk this out nicely, Amerie. Put the gun down, okay?" She simply squinted her eyes at Lucifer with distrust before flinging the gun in front of his face with a hard look on her face, signalling that she was serious.

"No. Get out! You bad guy! You going hurt daddy!"

"Look here, kiddo. I'm not going to hurt your... da... daddy... so can you just put the gun away? It's dangerous to hold a gun here." Lucifer knew that he has to get the gun out of her hands first before she does anything stupid with it. He's not going to risk having her shoot in the ward. 'Who the hell even gave her the gun at the first place?!' He screamed internally before staring at the kid with much cautiousness.

"One reason why I should trust you." She said skeptically as she eyed Lucifer from head to toe. 'He looks like a bad guy. All black. Just like those who killed mama and papa. Cannot trust him. He'll kill daddy too-'

"I love your daddy." What's meant to come out as a firm answer came out as a question instead but the tone was thankfully gone unnoticed by the little kid.

"You... love daddy?"

"Yes, Amerie. I love daddy." Lucifer confirmed as Amerie thought hard about something.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now