Chapter 20

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Play the song ^ while reading. It really gives the feel.

Lucifer's POV:

"R-Repeat a-ag-gain?" Wha-What d-did he just s-say? Did I hear w-wrongly?

"I'm sorry, son but the situation isn't any good. There's only a slight 5% chance that he may even survive through the night. It'll be a miracle if he manages to even survive the night." Doctor White sighed in regrets as my whole world came crashing down.

"S-So you mean t-that he may not s-survive?" My heart thumped against my chest like a sledgehammer as I felt light-headed at that mere thought.

This can't be real.

This can't be happening.

This have to be a dream...



Someone please tell me it's a dream!

"It is... unlikely due to his condition. He has lost almost 75% of his blood, his body shut down from the blood loss. He was barely even breathing when he reached. 4 broken ribs, a damaged kidney and a thorough wound through his chest which damaged many veins. He's hanging on an extremely thin thread." Hanging on a thread... he can be saved. As long as the thread is still there, Kai can still be saved!

"Is t-there anyway to k-keep him alive?! L-Life support maybe?!" I must have sounded desperate to him but I can't help it. If there's even a tiny chance to keep him alive, I'll take it.

I'll take it... but he shook his head with eyes on the ground, unable to look at me in the eyes...


"It wouldn't help. He can't even breath by himself. The only thing that's keeping him 'alive' is the machine which is pumping air into his lungs. You saw how his condition was when he arrived, son..."

He did see Eros's condition.

He did.

The one he loves, laying pale white on the seats, covered with blood... lots of them... unconscious... motionless... cold... seemingly... dead.

Yet... a soft smile graced his pale lips.

He wanted to scream and he did.

He wanted to let out all his pent up emotions and he did.

He tried to be a man but uncontrollable tears of sorrow flowed down like an endless stream.

The touch of coldness...

The inaudible breaths taken...

The shattering of his own heart...

He couldn't take it anymore.

He did and broke down in front of his men.

" ... You... should say your last words if you have any for him... " Those words that left his lips pierced my soul like a thousand swords as I felt all the life in me disappear.

Last words... I wouldn't be even able to say anything to him as there are too many things I have to tell him. I wouldn't even have the time to tell him everything.

"M-May I see him?" I croaked out, broken, as White stared down at me with a sad smile. I suppose that's how I look. Only that I can't muster up any strength to even form a smile. Weird, isn't it. How can one smile when they're sad?

So how can Kai smile?

What made him smile?

Thousand and one emotions flooded my mind as I trailed silently and slowly behind White's lingering back.

"We're here." We stopped in front of a large glass panel as I took a hesitant side glance into the room which made me choke back a cry.

Wires and machines, tons of them. Kai's torso was covered with bandages as tubes are inserted into him at all parts. A heart monitor letting out soft beeps with long intervals between them.

My fingers coiled themselves up into my palm, forming a fist as I bit down on my bottom lip and glued my eyes shut to prevent myself from letting any tears fall. Kai wouldn't want to see me crying. Knowing him, he'll most probably try to do something to cheer me up like how he cheered those villagers in the alleys up, no matter how small the action is. I'm the one who's supposed to comfort him, not the other way round.

Stepping into the disinfected room, I made my way to a chair by his side before cupping his left hand gently in both of mine. So cold... Breathing my warm breath against his long slender fingers, I rubbed them tenderly, holding to help his fingers gain back some warmth which is practically useless.

"Hi Kai... It's the asshole/satan here... I know it's basic courtesy to ask one how they are after not meeting them for so long but that will just be a plain stupid question to ask. Of course you're not okay... how are you okay if you're lying here! Right?" Despite my outburst, he remained still. No reaction, nothing.

"You promised... you promised to come back alive and you did. But how is this any different?! Doctor White say that you may not even survive through the night! I didn't send you out there to get killed, Kai! I never wanted that to happen to you! I believed in you. That'll you'll come back to me safe and sound! I know no one could have predicted what will happen but why didn't you watch out for yourself?

Knowing you, you must be focusing on helping the others first but how can you neglect your own safety?! Right? Answer me, Kai. I know I sound selfish but I can't help it... I can't. I love you Kai. I love you so much it hurts. Please... don't leave me. Please wake up so that I can tell that to your face... I love you so much Kai... I really do..." Tears flowed down my face, dripping onto Kai's cold hand. What I'll do just to see his beautiful pair of eyes again.

"Kai, I-"

*Beep........ Beep......... Beep.......... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......................................*

A loud alarm blared as red flashing lights went off.

No... this can't be happening. This can't be happening!

I must have went into a state of mental-shock as the next moment I've regained my consciousness, White was squatting down in front of me with a sorry gaze which I've grown to dislike and fear.

"I'm sorry son. We lost him.."

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