Christmas Gifts {Susanna}

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December 25

I take a deep breath, waking up all at once. The rush of excitement that comes next is enough to make me grin. It's Christmas Day! I look over at the clock. Six AM. Good enough. Stretching a bit, I realize that Sherlock isn't in bed, although his side is still warm. This makes me pout because I'd hoped to wake up with him. Oh well. Maybe next year.

I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. I shiver because of the cold air in the flat, so I get up and retrieve my thick red cuddleskin dressing gown and step into a pair of fuzzy slippers. Then I make a trip to the bathroom to freshen up before walking out to the living room.

To my surprise, all the Christmas lights are on and there is Christmas music streaming from my bluetooth speaker. Plus, no other decorations are missing like Sherlock hinted there might. He didn't appreciate my hanging ornaments from the bullet holes. At least he wasn't shooting the wall this week because of it. The tree is intact with the presents underneath. But my darling husband is missing, so I go back to the kitchen to make some tea to wait for him. I pull out my phone.

Will return soon. -D

I sigh and take my cuppa with me, curling up in Sherlock's chair and relaxing with Ziva. He may have been needed on an urgent case or something so I'd understand him running out the door. But I was hoping to spend this morning together, like we did last night. Missus Hudson is off on a cruise to the Caribbean with her friends, John took Rosie to meet Harry, and Brooklyn's in the states, so we skipped having a party and just relaxed at home for Christmas Eve.

After finishing my cuppa I wash it in the sink and then hurry back to the bedroom to get Sherlock's secret present. Yes, we have a few gifts under the tree, but Sherlock can deduce almost anything and I didn't want him to figure this one out. It's an electronic bug finder that Dad helped me pick out. Bug as in listening device, not insect. I figured he would be able to put it to use.

I carry it out to the living room and I hold it in my lap. About thirty minutes later I hear the downstairs door open. Sherlock's signature footfalls enter the foyer, a little slower than normal, and then someone else's. The stranger quickly exits though, after a minute or so, and then the door is closed. Must have been a client or member of his network.

Sherlock walks in with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, although I barely see it as he immediately sheds his snow covered coat, gloves and scarf upon entering the flat. I smile, "Merry Christmas, Sherlock!"

Hs smiles lightly and walks up to me, where I'm standing next to the tree with his present held out. He ignores the wrapped box and cups my face, coming in for a cold kiss. His face and lips are frigid from being outside. When he peels away I give him a brief hug, "Merry Christmas, Susanna."

"Mmm," I kiss his cheek and then step away to hold up the gift again, "You start, darling."

"And why should I?"

"Because I want you to."

I place the box in his hand and step back. He tests the weight in his hand and then removes the paper and opens the container, "What is this?" He holds up a sleek black steel cylinder with buttons, ports and a tiny screen. I smile.

"It's an electronic bug detector, Sherlock. You might need one in the future."

He smiles, "First the lock pick kit and now this. I have the feeling that you want me to become a spy." I shrug my shoulders.

"No, then you'd be isolated and you need constant attention." This earns a chuckle.

"That I do," He smiles and kisses my forehead, "Thank you, Love."

"You're welcome."

Sherlock places the detector with the lock pick kit and his magnifying glass in his coat, "Wait here."

"For what, Sherlock?"

He gives me a look, "I also have a surprise gift for you. It happens to be downstairs."

"... Okay, I'll wait." With that he bolts downstairs. I can only imagine what he got for me that he would hide downstairs. Then again, I don't normally pry so it would be easier for him to hide something.

I hear something heavy knock against the stairs and wall as Sherlock comes back up. What in the world did he get? A bike?

Nope. He walks in lugging a large, long box. My jaw drops as he sets it down with a cheeky grin, "I only thought it appropriate that we started playing in concert."

"A Digital Piano, Sherlock?!"

"Yes. The dimensions are such that it will fit by the window behind my chair." Of course he thought that through. My hands come up to my cheeks.

"Really, Sherlock?"

"Of course. You shouldn't let your musical talent just ebb away, Love. You play very well and I greatly enjoy hearing you do so."

I tackle him with a hug and we set the box by its designated place before opening the rest of the presents. After which, we focus on unpacking and setting up the digital piano. Joke's on him though, I'm getting him a similar gift for his birthday come January 6th.

Finally it's completed and he sits down next to me on the bench as I warm up my fingers and hands. Then I plink out "Mele Kalikimaka" by Bing Crosby, revelling at the weighted keys and realistic sounds. Of course Sherlock would pick the one with all the bells and whistles. I know he wants to play around on it too.

"Mele Kalikimaka" fades into "Ding Dong Merrily on High", followed by "Believe". Sherlock just sits, watches and listens while I sing along to the music as I play it. Eventually he stands up and poses with his violin next to me, joining me as I start "O Tannenbaum".

I can't help thinking that Missus Hudson will be up to her ears with the increased volume.

Thank you for reading!!

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