Midnight Tests {Susanna}

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Early April



"Wake up, Love."


"Susanna, come on." I finally peel my eyes open and roll over to face my loving husband who's decided to awaken me in the middle of the night.

"What, Sherlock?" He gives me a knowing look and I groan, "Sherlock, I'm tired. What is this about?"

"You seriously cannot think of why I awoke you?"

"At midnight, Sherlock?" I glance at the clock and then groan again, "No, I can't think of a reason why you woke me up on a Saturday morning when I normally get to sleep in." And still he remains perched right next to me, eyes alert, looking at me with interest. I sigh, "Fine, I'll try and go back to sleep."

I roll back over only to have him pull me back, "Don't fall asleep again, Susanna."


"I'll give you one guess why."

"You're going on another case and need me?"

"I wouldn't wake you for that, I'd wake John."

"Then what, Sherlock? I'm really tired and I'd like to get more sleep."

My heavt eyelids lull closed and Sherlock nudges me. I open my eyes again and he holds up a box, rattling it in front of me. In the dark, despite being blue eyed, plus the fact I'm exhausted, it's hard to determine what the box is supposed to be. Sherlock sighs and reaches over me to turn on the lamp, pressing the box into my hands. I blink a few times and rub my eyes gently, reluctantly sitting up to get a better look. No use trying to sleep now.

I'm shocked to find that it is a full box of Clear Blue pregnancy tests. I stare at it for a minute before yawning and then groaning, looking at Sherlock, "Why?"

He gives a sheepish, shy smile, "By this point the readings should be accurate."

"But at Midnight, Sherlock?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I couldn't wait any longer."

"Patience is not your virtue is it."

"No, that would be yours."

I sigh and look at the box of tests again. Sherlock and I were both given clean bills of health and were cleared to start trying for a baby. We didn't hesitate after the greenlight. Sherlock, to my surprise, did a lot of research as well and we applied several techniques, etcetera, to optimize our chances. But even with the medical clearance and Sherlock's research, the niggling of doubt combined with sleepiness tempts me to refuse until later today. But when I look back up into his eyes and see how eager he is to know, I melt and sigh with relent, "Alright, Sherlock."

He smiles and folds back the covers so I can get out of the bed. I carry the box with me to the bathroom and before Sherlock can follow me inside I close the door, "Hey!"

"At least let me do this in privacy, Darling. You woke me up at o dark thirty for this. I'll come out and we can wait together."

"Very well, Love."

I take all three tests, to be the most accurate, wash up, and then set them on the counter before exiting to wait for three minutes. I join Sherlock on the bed and he tucks his arms around me, enveloping me in warmth against the night chill. I might have fallen asleep if it weren't for the excitement to see the results.

At exactly three minutes, Sherlock nudges me and I get up and walk into the bathroom. He follows, barely a step behind me. Luckily I covered the digital displays with a washcloth, so we can both see at the same time.

"Ready, Sherlock?"


I take a deep breath, "Alright. On three."




I peel back the washcloth.

Not Pregnant.

Not Pregnant.

Not Pregnant.

All three display negative results. I let out my held in breath and brace myself against the counter, leaning into it and lowering my head. When I look back up at the mirror I see Sherlock staring at the tests with shock.

"How? How could these be negative?"

I sigh, "Sherlock-"

"We did everything! I researched and we implemented every technique at least once-" I turn to him and cup his face in my hands, stroking his cheeks.

"Sherlock, sometimes people try everything and still get a negative result. But it doesn't mean that anything's wrong with us. We got checked out. It just may take a while longer than we had originally hoped, alright?"

"But John and Mary-"

"We aren't John and Mary. I'm not my Ma either. Sherlock, it will happen. Just give it time. We'll keep trying." I take a step closer and kiss him gently on the lips. While he will probably never admit it, the negative results are as much a blow to him as they are to me.

"Can we try again now?"

I chuckle and then realize that he's dead serious, "Now? Darling, I'm not sure. I'm tired and want to sleep."

"Don't worry. You can sleep all day. I'll make sure no one will bother us."

I sigh and giggle, "Alright."

Thank you for reading!! 

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