Susanna's Return

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Two Days Later

Susanna's flight had gotten in early so she'd let Zuke and Percy drive her back home so that, hopefully, she could surprise Sherlock. That was her first order of business, and then she'd tackle talking about children and etcetera. She'd psyched herself up for it and she was not going to shy away from it. They were married. They would talk it over as husband and wife.

Zuke and Percy helped her get her luggage up and into the flat. No one was there so Susanna elected to just hide away in the bedroom and wait for Sherlock, "Maybe he won't deduce that I'm back early."

Susanna set about unpacking her bags and giving Ziva attention. She'd done plenty of shopping and had picked up tchotchkes galore to take to her lab. After putting everything away, Susanna walked out to the kitchen and got a glass of water. If she did much else Sherlock would figure her out.

Eventually, around five, she heard Sherlock and John come in. She waited as quietly as possible and perched on the bed. Sherlock would normally come in to get a dressing gown so she'd surprise him then.

Sure enough, within ten minutes the bedroom door opened and Sherlock walked in. At first he didn't see Susanna. After grabbing his dressing gown and throwing it on, he turned around to walk out and then caught sight of her.

Sherlock stopped and stared for a second, "Susanna?"

Susanna grinned, "Surprise!! My flight got in early! Percy and Zuke drove me back." She opened her arms for him.

Sherlock crossed the room in two strides and embraced her tightly, "I missed you, Love."

"I missed you too, Darling," She giggled and gave him a few kisses, "So you survived a week without me?"

"Of course I did." He kissed her neck and then cupped her cheeks, placing a deeper kiss on her lips.

"I'm glad to be back. Munich was amazing but I missed having morning tea."

John peeked his head in, "Welcome back! I had a feeling you'd get in early, Susanna." Susanna laughed.

"Did you really?"

"Yeah," John chuckled and ducked back out, "Greg owes me ten pounds!"

Sherlock stood up and looked after John, "You bet on Susanna's arrival time?"

"We make a lot of bets, Sherlock. At least Greg didn't bet fifty pounds like you did in Devon."

"Devon?" Susanna asked, suddenly curious, "You bet fifty pounds on what, Sherlock?" The detective pursed his lips as John called back.

"He bet fifty pounds that the tour guide for the hollow there couldn't prove he'd seen an actual, beastly hound."

Susanna burst out laughing. Sherlock sighed, "Must you bring that up, John?"

"Always, mate."

John ended up bringing Rosie over for dinner so that Susanna could tell them all about her trip to Germany. Her editing work for Doctor Leslie had paid off and he had credited her in his presentation, which was a huge confidence boost for her.

At the end of the evening John took Rosie home and Sherlock observed that Susanna was getting drowsy. We'll talk another time. He decided, "Alright, Susanna. You need to get to bed now."


"I'll get the dishes. Just go sleep. You've just come back from an invigorating trip and it's drained your energy."

She smiled sleepily and nodded before he nudged her into the bedroom.  She was bummed that they hadn't discussed anything that evening but they would soon, and she was satisfied.

Thank you for reading!!

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