The (Grand)Parents Arrive

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January 15

Susanna was perched on the sofa sorting out the baby blankets by softness, having entered her nesting phase, when the texts came in from both sets of to-be grandparents. Sherlock, who had been tinkering with the new security system that he'd installed the day before, was the one who looked at the messages.

"Have they landed safely?" Susanna asked.

"Yes. Mycroft is having a van pick them all up to bring them here."


Sherlock smirked, "Mum is quite excited that this visit will make her a grandmother." Susanna chuckled.

"Ma has been waiting on pins and needles. Before they took off she explicitly told me not to go into labor. I told her not to worry. We've still got a week and four days until the due date, although they may come a little earlier or later," She sighed, "You never answered my question about Eurus, by the way."

"As with the wedding, she will not be able to leave Sherrinford. But when I last visited her she told me that she was intrigued to become an aunt. She wants you and the baby to visit soon."

"I was planning on a visit once the baby is at least a few months old and is healthy enough for travel."

"Naturally. Their immune system needs time to develop and strengthen. Eurus is well aware. She said a visit timed in April would be perfect."

"Mmm. I bet she's done a lot of predicting, hasn't she?"

"She did say she has her predictions but she didn't tell me what they are. Eurus will make those known after the birth has happened."

"I see."

Susanna slowly stood up with the blankets, "I'll take those, Love."

"No need. I've got it, Darling," She smiled and walked into the bedroom to put the blankets away. Sherlock replied to the texts and then got up from his chair to grab his violin. As Susanna wobbled back to the living room he tuned it and warmed up with her Foxtrot. She smiled and took his spot in his chair, "You haven't played that in ages."

"I have been in the process of composing, Love, although I will play it more often if you would like."

"No, it's fine. I've loved hearing you compose for the baby." This earned a lip curl from Sherlock as he lapsed into the unfinished lullaby. Susanna rested her hand over her stomach and  listened with a smile. The baby calmed as well.

When the expectant father finished the tune he bemoaned, "I just haven't figured out what's missing from the melody."

"Mmm,.. I think it sounds wonderful, Darling."


She tsked, "But you may want to take into account that lullabies are often hummed or sung, not just played on an instrument. They're not usually concert solos."

"Hmm," Sherlock considered, "Too complicated?"

"No, just a bit fast. But, Sherlock, you're the one writing it and if you feel strongly about composing the song a certain way, then compose it that way. It's your special message to them." He nodded and moved silently to his music stand where he had the song drafted out, taking his pencil and began making a few edits.

Within an hour the van arrived with the four grandparents. Sherlock put his violin away and helped Susanna to her feet as Thalia and Violet hurried in, each with face-splitting grins and twinkling eyes. Sherlock stood back as the three women hugged and burst into chatter, greeting the grandfathers as they entered a minute later. George didn't say very much until he'd greeted his stepdaughter and once he was reassured that she was perfectly well, then he engaged Sherlock and Mark.

The six of them shortly sat down around the coffee table. Susanna sat in the middle of the sofa with Sherlock on her left side and Thalia on her right. The others took up the three smaller armchairs and the conversation revolved around the baby. A few times Susanna allowed the prospective grandparents to feel their grandchild move around and Violet nearly collapsed from sheer joy.

At some point in the discussion Thalia brought up the baby shower which would be held in a day and a half- which she and Brooklyn had taken charge of. The men had little input into this so Sherlock ended up getting grilled by George and Mark. The visit lasted until late, when at last the Markwardts and Holmeses Senior left to go and unpack their things at the bungalow and get some sleep.

After the company had gone Susanna retreated to bed. Sherlock made sure Missus Hudson was in before setting the security system and opted to occupy himself with the lullaby. Ziva kept him company for a while before prancing in to snuggle with her Furmom, who had often described the fluffy feline as "a big sister" to the baby. Sherlock couldn't quite wrap his brain around why she did so. But he didn't question that Ziva was part of the family, so he smiled when he heard Susanna talking contentedly about the cat's new family.

As Sherlock plucked out sequences for the lullaby he made several glances at the go-bag which had been waiting patiently by the door since mid-December. Only a little while left.

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