Physical Proof {Susanna}

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Mid June

"Sherlock, you coming?" I call, rubbing my eyes a bit.

"I'm almost finished putting the experiments away, Love. Is there anything I can get you while I'm still in the kitchen?" He answers. I hum, considering his offer.

"Ice Water, please?"

"Very well."

I lean back against the pillows and yawn, grabbing my brush from the night stand and running it through my long hair. It's gotten thicker now that I'm expecting, so it takes a lot more care than it did. Exhausting care. I put it in a loose ponytail and then make sure my phone is charging before grabbing my copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. 

Finally Sherlock comes in with a water bottle of ice water and sets it down on the nightstand, "Thank you, Darling."

"You're welcome." He has been saying that more often, at least with me. It's amazing to look at how much he's improved.

I look up from the book and watch him finish getting ready for bed, "Were your experiments successful?"

"All but one."

"Oh?" He then turns to me with a guilty, sheepish look, "Sherlock?"

"We may need to purchase a new microwave."


"It was an unintended result."

"Mmm. We'll worry about that in the morning."

"Alright." He replies. I sigh.

"Sherlock, it's not that big a deal. Come on to bed." Sherlock smiles gently, probably relieved that I'm not upset over the microwave. Then he climbs into bed and flips on the TV, tuning to the nightly news.

At some point I get a knot in my neck and shoulder so I put my book down and stretch my arms and torso. As I go to put my arms back down, Sherlock suddenly stops me, "Wait!"

"What? My arms are going to get tired," I then notice he's staring at my stomach, which was exposed when I lifted my arms and my night shirt rode up an inch or so over my abdomen, "Can I put my arms down now, Darling?"

Without replying he takes hold of the hem of my shirt and gently moves it the rest of the way up, tucking it behind me so it won't fall, "Yes," I lower my arms, "Susanna, look."

I look down and find a small, firm rounding in my abdomen. Just under the navel, and not big enough to be seen clearly when my shirt is covering it. I giggle and put my hand down to feel it, knowing exactly what it is, "I told you I'd start showing soon, Sherlock!"

"So it is..?" He trails off. I nod and smile brightly, committing the look pure wonder, love and curiosity currently in his features to memory.

"Yep! It's our baby, Sherlock! Makes it a lot more real, doesn't it?"

"Yes... It's physical proof that they're there." Sherlock softly agrees. I see his fingers twitch. Aww, he's nervous about feeling it.

"You can feel, Sherlock. Come here." I grasp his hand and guide it to the new bulge. Without further hesitation he gently brushes over the skin with his long, warm fingers.

"I was beginning to worry," Sherlock confesses, tracing the outline of the curvature, "At this point, they should also be able to hear sounds from the outside world as well."

"Yes, the baby's ears have developed now. They can hear you, Sherlock," That statement takes Sherlock off guard and he looks up at me with an adorable expression, "They will recognize your voice once they're born. Isn't that amazing, Sherlock?"

"And yours as well?"

"Naturally. The baby's with me twenty four seven."

"That is intriguing."

"Yes," I smile wider, "You can talk to them you know, Sherlock. They'll hear you."

"And what would I say to them?"

"Whatever you want to, Darling. You could just say hello and introduce yourself."

"And they'll understand me..?"

"They may not fully understand what you're saying right now, but they'll know who you are."

He looks between me and the baby bump for a few seconds, obviously debating whether or not to talk to the baby. I smile and look back at my belly, placing my hand next to the tiny protrusion, "I think Daddy's a little nervous to talk to you, baby."

"I'm not nervous," Sherlock refutes, "It's not so easy to come up with what to say."

"It doesn't have to be big, Sherlock."

It takes another minute before he finally speaks up, touching my belly again, "Your Mum and I can't wait to meet you, little one."

I smile and lean over to kiss his cheek, "That was perfect, Darling."



Eventually I have to put my book away and get some sleep. Once I'm settled into the covers and pillows, Sherlock turns off the lights and cuddles me from behind. I smile as his hands rest over the baby, guarding it from the world, "I won't let anything happen to either of you." He whispers into my hair as I fade into sleep.

Thank you for reading!!

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