Chapter 1

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     "Fix a queen's crown without telling the world it was ever crooked."

     My mother used to preach this line to me over and over when I was a little girl. It became platitudinous quite quickly as you could imagine. However, looking back now I'd give anything to hear her lecture me again with the quotes she kept in that little velvet book my grandmother gave to her.

     Each of the seven sisters had one. Every sister ruled over a region in the continent.  Unfortunately, by the time my mother reached twenty-six, her reign was cut short due to her and my father's deaths. As a result my older cousin stepped in, not only as a new ruler, but a mentor for my younger sisters and I. She raised us to the best of her abilities, teaching us everything our mother hadn't gotten the chance to. Which brings us to where we are now...

     "Alessandra!" Hearing my named shouted at seven in the morning was not exactly how I planed on starting my Saturday. Unlike your typical lady royal, I enjoy sleeping in as much at my body, or in this case vexatious older cousin, would allow.

      "Alessandra, I swear to the fates if you are late for your tea with the queen of Arcalus, there will be hell to pay."

     Groaning into my pillow I lifted my head to see a very unpleased Maribella.

    "Belle isn't this something you should be attending instead of me? I haven't even been crowned yet. Besides she's your mother after all."

   Her eyebrow raised at me, disappointed with my laziness.

     "Keep it up Aless, I could always appoint one of your sisters." She turned away from me and waltzed towards the balcony window.
Opening the curtains, and nearly blinding me might I add, the sunlight sank into the room like water filling a cup. Maribella's tall, slender figure casted shadows across the walls as she began to tidy up here and there. She and I quite resembled each other. Long, sandy blonde hair cascaded down to her midriff. Only difference was her eyes were a beautiful hazel color, while mines would shift between emerald and cobalt.

   "That's actually not the worst idea you've had." I replied to her.

     "I think I would have better luck letting a couple of dragons rule the region." She smirked at me. "Please don't take long."

     With that she exited and left me to my decision of wether or not I was actually going to leave the comfort of my soft bed to go and have a conversation that could have easily been held over the phone.
    Sliding out of the silk sheets, I made my way to the wardrobe on the opposite side of the room.  "Who even drinks tea this early in the morning?"  I rolled my eyes and rummaged through the massive piece of furniture, looking for something considered somewhat appropriate. It was only my aunt after all. Not like I'm going meet the king of some foreign country.

     Knocking came from my door as I pulled out a yellow cocktail dress.

   "Whoever it is, unless you've brought me the will to live another day or a kitten, I refuse to speak to you."

   " Very funny Aless." Maxwell called from the side of oak doors. "Are you decent?"

     "Just a second!" Quickly zipping up the tight contraption one might call a dress, I ran to unlock the door. Opening it to see the man from which the questioning voice came from.

     Maxwell was Maribella's husband. He stood taller than her and I both, with a very broad body structure. His light blue dress shirt complimented his rich, dark complexion. Brown, tight curled hair was trimmed nice and a pocket watch chain hung from his left pants pocket at all times.

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