Chapter 21 Cold War II

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Alessandra's point of view

The leather laid flat against my skin as I tighten the laces of my boots. My headspace was clear yet focused. There was a task at hand, a dangerous one, yet I felt no hesitation in my body. No fear. I'm ready.

For the past few days, the kingdom has been chaos. All I've been hearing is "You're losing time", and "They could've killed her already!" I'm not worried. Do I know what I'm doing? Hardly, but I know what I'm not. Losing.

"Aless?" I heard my name called from the door.

I look over to see Killian, dressed in tight armor. "They're here," he said.

I nodded and tied the laces of my other boot as tight as I could. Before leaving the room all together, I stopped in front of the mirror. The same one Genevieve had caught me staring at her in. Although Genevieve looked damn nice in that dress, black was undeniably my color. I tied my hair back into a braid and took one final look at myself before exiting my bedroom for what could possibly be the last time.

I joined Killian's side outside the front doors of the castle. Maribella and Maxwell stood to our left. Normally, family gatherings were done over balls and nice dinners. Not this time.

My eyes scanned the people making their way towards us. All familiar faces of course. Some old. Some new. Some...unwanted.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Killian exclaimed. "Since when was Kara ever considered part of the family?"

The preppy girl strutted happily towards us, bow in hand.

"Does no one remember what happened last time she was given one of those?" My cousin asked.

"Shhh," I hushed him. "Maybe she'll come in handy."

The rest of the family, all seven sides surrounded the front of the castle. All six sisters stood at the very front, leaving me in my mother's place.

"Years ago, our family was changed forever due to a cruel ruler whose greed outweighed his love for his own family. Over time, we were able to mend the bond that had been broken all those years ago. Now, it's time we prevent it from happening again. The southern region has now activated war with us by taking one of your queens. In an effort to tear our families apart again, he's taken Genevieve and hidden her in their territory. It's clear to them that we will be attacking, but they don't know that you are here. All of you. All seven sides. My mother's book held many pieces of advice left for my sisters and me," I said looking over at the twins. "One of which says that even in the toughest of conflicts, love will always defeat evil. Now it's time to prove her words right. Each army will take a different direction. We will surround them, not leaving any room for escape. Once in, I won't no man unharmed. I'll need about twenty or so men along with Killian and myself to break into their base. While inside, the rest of you will make it a point to make sure so one manages to avoid getting killed. There will be no mercy given. Not this time."

I paused and grabbed the white paper held by Maxwell.

"I, Alessandra Cromwell, hereby leave my kingdom and it's people in the hands of my sisters if I am to falter," I spoke loud and clear.

I glanced over to notice both twins with tears in their eyes. I nodded at them to step forward.

"I, Dealia Cromwell, hereby promise to accept responsibility of my kingdom and it's people if our queen is to falter," she spoke shakily.

"I, Ariana Cromwell, hereby promise to accept responsibility of my kingdom and it's people if our queen is to falter."

I pulled them both into my arms tightly. Knowing this may be the last time I'm able to do so. I exhaled deeply, trying to not let my emotions get the best of me.

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