Chapter 3

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You know, I always wondered what caused the weather to change. Why would it rain when it did? Why would it be sunny the next day? I've always enjoyed the calmness of the rain. The pitter-patter of rain drops smacking against a clear window. Looking out into the distance where the world became blurry and everything near glistened as soft water hit your skin. Or when it stormed, how the thunder would send shivers down your spine causing the slightest bit of excitement to flow through your body. Days like those I could stay inside and read all day in bed while ever so often glancing through the glass balcony doors at the beautiful sight. Today, was not one of those days.
My hopes for a thunderstorm to rise and cause cancellation to today's events were shattered like broken glass. I looked over the balcony's edge as the hot sun awoke every animal and plant that it shined on. The smell of fresh cut grass invaded my nose, causing me to become nauseous. I could never stand that smell.
The glass doors opened behind me, and then entered that deeply beloved cousin of mine.

"Look who's up early for a change." She mocked me. "I'm assuming you didn't get much sleep."

"You could say that." I actually didn't sleep at all last night, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I didn't need her nagging me about being tired later on.

"The day will be over before you know it dear, I would try to enjoy it if I were you."

I wasn't interested in enjoying myself. Nothing about this day would be even close to being considered enjoyable. I sighed. If only there was a way out of it.

"Adeline will be up here shortly after 10:30 to began preparing you for today. I'll bring you up something to eat once breakfast is cooked." Belle said as she began to exit the room. "Also, don't forget to get your mother's vail out of her room. I know you wanted to wear it."

I wonder how she would've felt about all of this. Surely she wouldn't have forced me into marrying someone I didn't want to. The fact that Genevieve seemed perfectly ok with this bothered me even more. Like she wanted this to happen.
    I walked back inside my room and flopped onto the bed. The quietness began to bore me as I laid there until Belle brought up a tray of pancakes and fresh fruit. I hummed to myself as I sipped some of my orange juice, trying to distract myself from thinking about today.
    Soon after I was finished I was greeted by the twins who let themselves into my room. Both already dressed and done up for this afternoon. Apparently they were a lot more excited than they let on previously.

    "You do realize the wedding isn't until one o'clock, right?" I questioned them.

    "We had to get dressed early that way Adeline had enough time to work on you." Dealia said. "Good thing because it looks like you are going to need all the time you can get."

    "Wow, hurtful but whatever." I glanced in the mirror that was held above the vanity on the right side of the room. I did look a bit rough, but I guess that's what lack of sleep does to you.

    "So have you decided what you are going to do?" Ariana asked.

    "What do you mean what am I going to do? There's nothing I can do Ari. I'm completely screwed."

    After a few hours of listening to the twins bicker on who would be the first to get married after me, Adeline entered the room. Adeline was Maribella's personal hair and makeup stylist for when she would attend any high end event. I would normally just wing it that morning every time I had had somewheres to go. I was never really big on makeup. Sure a little foundation and mascara here and there was fine, but I liked having the option of wiping my face without the fear of me smudging something.
    She began brushing through my tangled blonde hair quite roughly. I guess the "beauty is pain" term was to be taken more literally than I thought. Starting by parting my hair, she began to roll small sections onto the hot vintage curlers. Using a clip to keep them in place.
    "For how long do I have to keep these in?" I asked. "They hurt."

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