Chapter 8

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     "Why do I feel as though you regret last night?" Genevieve asked me.
     It was early morning. I hadn't spoken a word to her since last night. We were still in bed, naked and curled up beneath the blanket. Only I had found my place on the opposite end of the bed from her.

"You do, don't you?" She sighed softly, sounding somewhat upset.

"This is complicated for me, Genevieve. I don't regret it because I hate you or because I didn't enjoy it. I regret it because after almost two months of knowing you, I still know absolutely nothing about you. I regret it because I slept with a woman who is still basically a stranger to me. I regret it because I still don't..." I trailed off, not knowing exactly how I wanted to word that last part.

"Still don't what?" She questioned me.

"I still don't know how to feel about you and me."

"Well we have time to figure that out. I wanted to come here so we could just have a break from everything going on at home and just relax. You don't need to look at last night like it was meant to be taken romantically. I'm sure one day we'll get there." Genevieve said to me.
The only problem, was I don't know if I'll ever get there. Sure she was great in bed and there was lust between us, but she wanted more than that. Something I wasn't sure I was capable of giving her.

"Why don't we take today to get to know more about each other." She said. "Let's just not think about last night or any sexual tension for right now and genuinely talk to one another."

So we got dressed and decided to check out one of the many restaurants that were listed on the pamphlet. We were taken to a small restaurant on the board walk of town by golf cart. Once inside and seated, we began to look over the menus.
I looked up at Genevieve who was examining the menu. She was exquisite. Naturally beautiful. Even though I didn't want to enjoy what happened last night, I did. I felt ashamed. Gosh, what would my mother think? She had nearly had a heart attack when she had caught me and that girl...

"Aless?" Genevieve called me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I managed to ask.

"She asked you what you wanted to drink." She said.
I looked over to see a waitress standing besides the table we were seated at.

"I'm sorry, I'll just have a water." I told the waitress. She scribbled on her note pad and left us to ourselves.

"Are you okay?" Genevieve asked me, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I was just lost in thought that's all" I answered her then tried to change the subject. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Well I have two younger brothers, both obnoxious and power hungry. I'm very outdoorsy. I like riding horses and being out in the garden. My mother was obsessed with flowers growing up. She was constantly sticking them in my hair and decorated the whole palace when father wasn't paying attention. He never cared for them due to his allergies." She told me. "He did always make sure my mother had ever flower she ever asked for. They were always very close. What about you? What was your mother like?"

     "She uh..." I hesitated.

    "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. You don't have to answer that."

     "No it's fine." I said with a smile, trying to play off my uneasiness. "She was more on the strict side. Always trying to keep me in place. I was hardheaded though. Still am. She and my father were madly in love though. At least that's what Belle told me. I don't remember much of her, but enough to know she was set in her ways. Other than that she was very personable. I do miss her dearly, however I was more of a daddy's girl. He and I were very close before he died in war. Soon after that my mother couldn't bare the loneliness and took her own life."
     Genevieve was about to speak, probably some empathetic remorse, when the waitress arrived with our drinks. We ordered our food and waited quietly for each other to continue the conversation. It was beginning to become awkward when she decided to speak up again.

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