Chapter 5

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'At the very first glance of the handsome young lad, standing there bow in hand, she knew by witch craft that it was indeed the king's son. She nearly died of envy and spite, determining to destroy the lad without delay...'

"Is this what you plan on doing all day?"

I rose my eyes to find Delia looking at me, questionably.

"You know if I knew you were going to seclude yourself in here for the rest of the year, I would've spoken against Ariana's idea to get you that book." She said to me.

"I'm not secluding myself dear sister, I must say however you are blocking my reading light." I smiled at her. She walked in high posture and sat down on the ottoman across the coffee table from me.
I guess she did have good reasoning to be asking me that question. I've been here in the library all morning. I only just started reading however. Instead of starting the book when I got in here, my mind trailed off and so I sat there, staring out the window for mere hours. Unlike the rumored war coming to invade the kingdom, the war inside my head was very much a true one.

"Aless?" Delia called my name.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Which one was Mom's favorite?" She questioned me while her eyes traced the bookshelves that covered the walls.

"I wouldn't say I know for sure. I know she was quite fond of The Canterbury Tales, but overall she never told me which one it was she admired most."

I didn't mind talking about our parents to the twins. They were always very curious about them. Delia mostly, specifically about our mother. Who am I to keep a child from knowing what their mother was like? It was when people I wasn't comfortable with pried that I became defensive. Especially since her passing was so unexpected.

"I think Belle is worried about you." She said looking back over to me.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, when really I could answer that question myself.

"I heard her and Maxwell arguing this morning. Maxwell said something like you need some space and Belle said something about just wanting to make sure things work out the way she hopes between you and Genevieve." She said, not giving me the answer I thought I would hear.

"I don't understand why she's so concerned with me and Genevieve's relationship. I kind of wish she would just let's things happen more naturally rather than force it on the two of us." I said.

"She's probably just worried about making sure the two of you are on the same page. That way when it comes to making decisions, the two of you will be more likely to settle on an agreement rather than argue your differences." Delia said as she stood to leave.

"Still, nothing good ever came from force." I whispered as she left.
It was true. Like this whole honeymoon situation. Sure I wanted to be able to enjoy myself, but that definitely wasn't going to happen with Genevieve trying to force a conversation on me every five minutes like she's been doing for the past couple of days. Asking me questions like, "What's your favorite flower scent?" How she bypassed the fact that my body wash and shampoo she has been using we're all rose scented went to show how oblivious she is. Either that or she's just extremely desperate.
Only a few days were left until Genevieve and I would have to leave to begin this dreaded honeymoon. The more I thought about it, the more I became nauseated. Having to share a room with her slowly made its way to the least of my problems. Other than the provoking questions she would ask me, she was rather quiet. I never bothered fighting with her over what was on the tv or petty things like that so I could simply avoid conversation with her.
She would mostly spend her time with Belle or out in the royal stable. She had a horse brought here when she came. I've never been quite fond of the creatures. In fact I was always a bit fearful of them. I know it sounds a bit silly. Especially since horses are often associated with royalty.

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