Chapter 20

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Genevieve's point of view

The feeling of my skull being crushed was the only thing I felt. Second, was the piercing cold that had laid itself upon every inch of my skin. I couldn't move. Not only because I was freezing, but the tightness around my wrists was enough to tell me that I had been tied up. Funny, normally I'm the one doing the tying.

At first, it was quiet. That was until my head began to make out murmurs. I strained my ears to try and understand, but it was useless. I was still fading in and out of consciousness.

Minutes passed and soon the murmurs turned into spaced words.

"You remember the agreement," a chilling voice said. " me...the seven regions...split amongst the three of us."

I was only fortunate to catch a few words here and there.

My eyes remained closed. Sure I was foolish enough to be captured feet away from a whole ballroom of people, but I wasn't foolish enough to let my enemies know I was awake.

"She's get...wife," said what sounded like Eric.

"What they...we are more than prepared...thousands of army me," the unknown speaker continued.

     Listening felt rather useless. None of what I could make out made any sense to me. Only one word stood out to me, one word that made the pain in my head intensify knowing I was now far from it. Wife.

     We were okay, right? Enough for her to come and find me? Surely my family would either way, but did she want me back?

     Our relationship was on the unsteadier side of stable. The past few weeks had been fine up until this, but that could all change. After what Eric had revealed to me, even if she does come after me I would still have to tell her. Tell her that my family was the reason her's fell apart. That would be the end of it all.

     Heavy footsteps made their way towards me.  I could feel the floor beneath me dip slightly from the weight applied.

     "Ahh, Sis," Blane said. "Too bad our father didn't marry off one of us instead."

Is that what they wanted? They wanted Aless?

"Gaining that land would've been a whole lot easier, huh brother?" Eric called out.

No, they wanted her territory. It made sense now. They were angered that neither one of them were given Calibrie. I was.

"Hopefully, things go to plan," Blane said.

"They will," the other man said, the one I didn't recognize.

I held my eyes shut tight still.

"We get rid of the queen's family, as well as my brother, and once we gain control of the rest of the regions we will own the entire northern continent," the man continued.

Brother? Who was this? I can't believe this was all over property.

"Wake the girl up," the man said.

My heart rate sped up a bit. I felt a hand push up against my shoulder a few times. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim lighting. The first thing to come into view was Blane. The room was mostly bare except for the small bed, and a desk with a stool. Eric leaned up against the wall next to the wooden door.

"Hey there, Gen," he said with an unsettling smile. "Long time, no see!"

I squinted my eyes at him. My eyes wandered the room I was in a bit more and realized that Eric was the only other person in the room.

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