Chapter 4

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Light from the outside world dimmed down as I continued reading the book the twins had given me as a wedding gift. The wedding had ended a few hours ago and I was finally able to take time to hide away and relax. I had only started the book a little while ago and was already almost half way through.
The sound of the door knob turning was enough to make me lose all interest in the book. I slouched down into the futon and turned to face whatever unwanted being decided to disturb my peace.

"This of course is your new room that you will share with Aless." Maribella said strolling into the room. Genevieve following close behind her. They had previously delivered and organized all of her belongings into my room. It didn't surprise me much when she glanced over to me and gave me a slight smile. I simply rolled my eyes and looked away.

"If you need anything my bedroom is two doors down and to the right." Maribelle continued to show her where her things had been placed and soon left us alone in the room.

I sighed deeply and I tried to find my place where I had left off in the book. It was starting to get interesting. It was about a son of seven, blind queens. I had always been more into the folktale kind of stories. Those were the ones my mother used to read to the twins and I before bed. Delia and Ariana never took on the love for reading that I acquired from our mother, they were always the more outdoorsy type.

"What part are you on?" I heard the nosey brunette chirp at me. Engaging in conversation was definitely not on my mind when it came to her. She was perched on the edge of the bed waiting on an answer from me.

"Why do you want to know?" I questioned her.

"It's one of my favorites actually, I was just curious." She glanced down slight, avoiding my gaze.

I sighed and looked back towards the book. "He just shot a pigeon."

    "So you are not far from the beginning."

    Instead answering her statement I simply hummed low. Thankfully, she decided to remain quite afterwards. It's not like we have have much to talk about anyways. More so me just not wanting to speak with her. Or listen to her speak for that matter.

   "Have you thought about a honeymoon destination?" Out of all the things she could've possibly asked me, she chose that.

   "Are you mad? Have you not listened to what your father has been saying? There is a potential war arising and you are worried about a honeymoon?" I nearly shouted at her.

   "Aye, I thought maybe it would be nice to spend time with one another and get to know each other. I'm going to assume you aren't interested." She answered.

    "Apparently you have forgotten what I told you the day we met. You and I are not nor will we ever be and actual couple, despite what the papers say. Instead of forming an attempt to get on good terms with me, why don't you worry about the bigger matters and prepare yourself for the violence that may come our way. You my dear are the last thing I am worried about. This might have just become your kingdom but it has always been mine and I sure as hell am not going to let it down because you wanted a vacation."

   "And I suppose reading a book is going to help? I'm not going to fight with you right now, not on our wedding day. Unlike you, I've actually been trying to enjoy it." She walked out the room, shutting the door behind her.
    How childish could one possibly be. Of all people Maribella could at least have married me off to someone who is mature enough to worry more about their people than going away to a beach for a few days.
    I shut the book and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. I can certainly say I've gotten to the point where I am just completely tired of everyone thinking they can dictate me. After living under someone's orders for twenty-one years I have finally had it.
Unfortunately the ability to actually do something about it remained nonexistent. I could run away, but I have far to many people with families relying on me to protect them. I certainly wouldn't leave it to Genevieve to take care of them. She's made it very clear to me where her morals lie.
   I turned off the lamp and changed into a tank top with some sleeping shorts. I crawled beneath the blanket and attempted to force myself to sleep, even though it was only eight pm.

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