Chapter 12 light festival pt.1

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     The ride was long, the hangover strong, and the impatience platitudinous. Bumps in the road lifted us high, only to come crashing down again with great force. The gentle rocking was enough to put you to sleep until you were taken high again, then thrown back downwards. Medicine could only do so much, and my head was pounding like drums in a marching band. At a consistent rhythm with the slow rocking motion mentioned before.
     Genevieve hummed to herself lowly, trying to maintain her posture and composure. I knew she and I equally drank ourselves to oblivion last night. She gave me a tired smile. I was in no mood, I looked away.
     It wasn't her, no of course not. I was just tired. As much as she made my skin crawl, her aura and sweet sent captured me like a caged bird. It was enough to engulf me in peace, sending me to sleep.

    There she was, her hand closed tightly against my own. We ran barefoot through the garden, taking in every small sound that invaded our ears. Birds chirping, wind blowing gently, leaves brushing up against themselves. It was a heaven I didn't know I would one day be taken from.
    We were young, but the best part of our lives were what we had built together. She was my best friend, someone I would one day want to reign with. Foot step after foot step we danced around in the summer's soft, green carpet that covered the world.
    We'd lay there for hours, asking childlike questions. Giving each other childlike responses. Her dark hair was all I could see. Her face was somehow a blur from a distant memory that I would never get the pleasure of seeing again.
    White cotton candy floated above us. It was so easy to get lost by tracing the blue sky above us with naked eyes. As much as I tried to look at her, her familiarity would remain hidden. Though, I would never forget her.
    Back then, she was my everything. I traced my finger tips along the grass and listened to her plan out our whole lives together.

     "Then we'll get married, and adopt all the children who don't have mommies and daddies." She said.

    Her voice still young, but her determination precise. For a child, she was a natural born leader. Though, her ideas weren't always the smartest. We used to get into so much trouble. My eyes were still focused on the sky when I felt a small, soft pair of lips brush my cheek.

    "I love you Aly." I heard her whisper.



    I was pulled from my sweet memories and back into reality. The sun burned my eyes as they fluttered open. Things were still slightly blurry but I could tell we were still in the car, with Genevieve beside me.

    "Hey, we're almost there." She said lowly.

    I looked around to see we were indeed in the busy town of Brinkland. Through the window, I watched people of all ages walk hand in hand around the market place. The savory smell of food enhanced the hunger that was now making its presence. I was practically starving.
The journey continued through the town until we stopped at the Brinkland castle. A young gentleman helped us out and walked us inside. Inside the parlor we stood before approached by the well known king and aunt, Katheryne.
    The welcomed us and showed us to the guest rooms where we would be staying for the time being. We were only staying the night and would fly home tomorrow afternoon. Belle was concerned with the preparations for the upcoming gala that we had the duty of hosting.

    "So what time do we have to be ready?" Genevieve asked as she began to unpack a few things.

    "The festival begins at five and supper is at eight." I replied.

     I had found myself a comfortable spot on the massive bed. Still exhausted, I contemplated whether to sleep, eat something, of go off and find my cousin. My decision had been made for me as a knock came from the door. In walked my younger cousin Killian.

    "Well if it isn't the black widow herself." He said laughing. "How's it going? I haven't seen you since the wedding."

    "I'm quite fine Killian." I answered with a smile.

    He pulled me into a big hug, nearly lifting me off the floor. Killian was only a few years younger than me, but had yet to take over his region. He was still single and picky when it came to women. Something I suppose we have in common.

"Hungry? We can go out to the town and grab something to eat." He offered.

"How did you know!" I said a little too exaggerated.

    Off we went, strolling through the busy town. I don't know what it was about being outside that always captivated me so deeply, but I enjoyed it. It felt comfortable. Like I could lay out in the bed of nature's features all day without ever even considering going back inside.
    We stopped at a small restaurant and ordered food. I managed to convince Killian and Genevieve to choose an outdoor table instead of one inside. People watching was one of my favorite hobbies. I remember being able to go out and do things like a normal person. As soon as I started training however, all that stopped. Maribella swore that as I got older, it would only become more dangerous to go outside without some form of protection.
     Our food was brought out and placed on the table before us. I studied the shrimp on my plate before eating. I was always a fan of seafood. Especially fried, but Belle was a health freak so I hardly got to eat it.

    "So Killian, how has life been treating you?" I asked.

    "Alright I guess you could say." He responded.

    "No lady catch your eye?" I asked him.

    "No, not exactly." He shied away.

    "You are too picky." I said.

    "Mother is trying to set me up with some daughter of a friend of hers." He said.


    "Kara." He replied.

    "You've got to be kidding me." I said.

     That girl has been obsessed with him since the beginning of time. She's incredibly vain and cocky. This I knew did not sit right with him whatsoever. Killian liked the more laidback type. Humble and charming. Kara, was anything but.

    "Yeah, she thinks we would be a good match due to the fact that we are both into archery." Killian said.

    "I like archery." Genevieve said.

    "Yeah but you probably know how to shoot well. Kara couldn't hit a target if it was a foot in front of her. I don't think she even likes it to be honest, I think she started to have something in common with me." He said.

    "That's kinda pushing it, don't you think?" I asked.

    "That's what I said, but Mother is determined." He responded.

    "Maybe she isn't as bad as you think. You should give her a chance." Genevieve stated. "Alessandra didn't like me at first."

   "Genevieve I hardly like you now." I said.

    "Not what you said last night." She responded, causing Killian to nearly choke on his drink. "Anyways, it's clear she's doing her best to grasp your attention. That shows she's truly interested, and you should appreciate that."

    "No, that shows she's crazy." I said.

    "Kara just isn't my type, we'll put it that way." Killian said.

    "The ones we fall for never are." Genevieve said, raising her flirty eyes to look at me.

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