Chapter 10

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We hopped off the large boat that took us back to the main land. Thankfully, the past two days had gone by quickly. Anxiety was beginning to build in me from the unknown shadows that we witnessed on the island. I never told Genevieve about what I had seen, so she was still unaware and probably went along with what I had told her about the security guards.
In the back seat of the white limo we sat quietly, that was until Maxwell decided to bombard us with questions. Of course Maribella would send him to escort us home along with the chauffeur. You would think by being married to him she would know about his habit of unwanted communication.

"Well?" He said.

"Well?" I repeated.

"How was it? I want to know everything!" He perked up.

"You are by far worst than Aleah." I said rolling my eyes.

"I just want to make sure the two of you enjoyed your time." Maxwell stated. "Was everything to your liking? Nothing we should be concerned about?"

"Actually, I think someone..." Genevieve started. I cut her off quickly though, not wanting to worry anyone about what had happened.

"Everything was great Maxwell, you and Belle should go there someday." I gave a look to Genevieve, hoping she would catch on.

"Are you sure everything went well?" He questioned me.

"We're sure Maxwell." I reassured him. Genevieve gave me a puzzled look, but I brushed it off.
We arrived back at the castle not long after, and entered inside. Immediately I pulled Genevieve aside while our bags were being taken upstairs by some of the guards.

"Don't mention anything about the shadow you saw. I told you it was nothing to worry about. If you bring it up Belle will lose her mind going on some mad hunt for something that isn't even important." I tried my best to not sound like I was fussing at her.

"Aless, I told you I saw someone. Not a shadow, a person." Genevieve told me.

"Like I said before, it was probably just one of the security guards checking up on us. Seriously Genevieve, we have enough to worry about." I said before turning to walk away.
I strolled into the kitchen where I found the twins sitting at the bar and Maribella, well, I'm not sure exactly. She was flipping the light above the stove on and off again with a confused look on her face.

"Belle what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hmm, oh hi dear! I think the light is broken." She said looking over her shoulder at me.

"No, you're trying to give us all a headache." Ariana stated, looking unpleased.

"It seems to be working fine to me." Genevieve said behind me.

"No, watch." Belle said. She turned the light on and a few seconds later, it began to flicker. "See, broken."

"It needs a new bulb Belle." I said.

"Huh? No, this one's new. I replaced it last week." She said. "Anyways, how was the honeymoon?"

"It was fine Belle." I said I said shaking my head.

"Fine? Just fine?" She looked at me smirking. I knew she was going to continue to pester me until I admitted to really enjoying myself.

"It was great Maribella, thanks for asking." Genevieve said. She walked around me and took a seat next to the twins.

     "Good, don't forget about the trip to Brinkland in a few weeks. I am considering sending Maxwell so the twins can also attend. As for myself I have business to take care of here." Belle said.

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