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Cassidy's POV

"Cas! Wake up and say goodbye to me before I leave!" Ethan yelled from the living room. I groaned and rolled out of bed before stumbling down to the front door.

" Bye Ethan have fun at college and don't get in trouble." I say while giving my big brother a hug.

"I'm pretty sure I should be the one telling you to stay out of trouble." He says making me laugh. "Are you sure you will be okay here by yourself? Because if you aren't I can stay home and do online courses or call aunt Loren and see if she can stay with you or- "

" Ethan I will be fine." I say cutting him off mid sentence. " I will be okay. Besides Noah is always available if I need him." Noah is my best friend and always has been. He has stayed by my side through everything. Including my first broken bone, my parents dying and bullying. Noah is my best(and pretty much only) friend and I don't know what I would do without him.

" Okay, just call me if you need anything. I'm only one plane ride away." Ethan says before opening the front door. "Bye Cass I love you."
I return the love and watch as my brother drives away. I sigh before locking the door and going back up to my room to take a shower. I quickly text Noah and tell him to come over before heading to the bathroom. I get undressed before stepping into the steaming shower. I spend about fifteen minutes washing myself before stepping out and putting on some clothes for the day. I was brushing my long dirty blond hair when I heard the front door open. I walk out of the bathroom and find Noah standing in the front door. I gave him a key to my house when my parents died because he came over every morning when I was still asleep.

" Hey C" he says while pulling me into his chest and hugging me.

"Hey Noah. Thanks for coming." I say while returning the hug. He nods as we pull apart and we walk up to my bedroom and sit on the bed.

"So what's up C. You look upset" Noah asks genuinely concerned while looking into my eyes. I sigh and look up at him.

" I'm just stressed. You know with Ethan moving out, me being on my own, school starting and Asher I-I just don't know if I can handle it." I say my eyes watering at the end. Noah pulls me into his side and reassured me that everything will be okay.

"Cassidy you can handle it. You are the strongest person I know. You are not on your own I am right here. We also have pretty much the same exact schedule so tomorrow will be a price of cake and honestly who give a fuck about Asher he won't do anything because I will be right by your side the entire time. Please C, the last person you should be worried about is Asher." Noah whispers while stroking my hair attempting to calm me down. I nod in return wiping away my tears. Honestly though I am still terrified for tomorrow. Mostly because of Asher. Asher is the most popular guy in my school. He is the stereotypical bad boy. Handsome, bad grades, nice car, and picks on the smart and quiet girl. Also known as me. When I was thirteen I always worked hard so my social worker would see that I was okay living with my brother considering my parents passed earlier that year. Lucas always made fun of me when the teacher would point me out in class for getting the best grades. He would always say that my parents don't love me and just want me to get good grades so they can get rid of me. 3 years later and nothing had changed. If only he knew maybe he would stop. Who am I kidding, Asher Norman be nice, please if he wasn't banging a chick or skipping class he was picking on me. Why me? That's all I want to know. What did I do to make him hate me? It's probably because I'm ugly and fat and not loved by anyone. At least that's what people say about me. Especially online which is better than in person because so far no one knows. And that's how I want to keep it.

"Hello? Earth to Cassidy? You alright?" I am snapped out of my thoughts by Noah snapping his fingers in front of my face. I look into his eyes and nod.

"Y-yeah of course I'm totally fine." I say plastering the all to familiar fake smile on my face. Noah shoots me a concerned glare.

"Cassidy," he says rolling up my sleeve and rubbing my arm. "Don't go back there. Please. It's not worth it." I look him in the eye and nod. The rest of the day was spent gossiping, watching movies, eating and sleeping. Just what we do best. Oh and also secretly plotting a way to drop out of school without Noah finding out. What? I'm desperate okay?


First chapter done. I hope you guys liked it. This is my first time writing a story like this. Please please please give me some feedback. I love yall.

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