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"Ready or not here I come!" Brent yells loud enough so the entire town can hear him. I'm hiding in the top cabinet and to be honest I don't even know how my 5'1" ass got up here but I did. I stayed dead silent that way I could hear where Brent was. I heard him find Asher first. I'm pretty sure he didn't even try to hide. I hold my breathe as I hear footsteps near me but they soon get farther away and I here Brent get Noah.

"Okay Cassidy! I know your here somewhere!" Brent yells again as I stifle my laugh. Ten minutes pass and still no one has found me.

"Guys I'm starting to get worried. We looked everywhere." Noah says and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"Cass! Baby you won! Where are you!" Asher yells. No way am I giving up my spot! They have to find me fair and square. Ten more minutes pass and all I hear is are the boys heavy footsteps running around the house. They were arguing over me in the living room right next to where I was.

"ACHOO!" god damit Cassidy. They all go silent.

"I know that little bunny sneeze anywhere!" Asher says as he opens the cabinet I was in.
"Cassidy! How the hell did you even get up there?"

"I dunno." I shrug as I jump down from the cabinet and into Asher's arms.
"I WON!" I squeal jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Yeah but you scared the crap out of us." I laugh and we all go back to the living room and watch a movie. We decided- Well I decided to watch Tangled since I won. I mean it only makes sense that the winner picks the movie. The boys did not seem happy about it. We were all sitting on the couch enjoying the movie as I felt my eye life get heavier. My head kept lowering and I would keep waking my self up by shaking my head. After about five minutes of trying to stay awake, I'm pulled into someone's body.  I look next to me to see Asher with his arm around my waist and my body pressed against his side. I smile as I lay my head on his shoulder before falling asleep.
"I'm gonna go wake up Cass." I hear Asher say as my eyes barely flutter open.

"No don't. Let her sleep in today." Noah says.

"But why? Maybe she wants breakfast."

"It's not my place to tell you. Just let her wake up on her own." What is Noah so worried about? My eyes finally open and I realize I'm still on the couch. I look into the kitchen to see the boys. When they realize I'm awake they all come over and sit on the couch.

"Morning Cassidy."

"Good morning. So what are we going to do today?" I ask. Brent and Noah look at each other.

"Well. What do YOU want to do today. We will do anything you desire." Brent says. I look at them confusedly. Until it hits me.

"Noah what day is today?" I say my voice coming out way quieter than I expected. Noah and Brent look at me with sympathy.

"It's November 13th C." Noah finally answers causing me to feel sick. I nod and run up to my room before running into the bathroom and getting sick in the toilet. After five minutes I finally clean myself up and lay in my bed. I hear arguing going on downstairs.

"We need to check on her, she's sick!" Asher shouts.

"No she's not, she just needs to be alone right now." Noah says obviously trying to calm him down.

"Why What happened?" Noah sighs.

"Asher, today is the four year anniversary of her parents death." Noah says and I hear Asher gasp.
"With everything that has been going on I guess she forgot at first. This day is always hard for her. Her brother won't even say anything about it. He tries to forget this day never happened. You know how sensitive Cassidy is especially right now so we need to take care of her." Noah explains.

It's so hard to believe it's been four years. I feel like it all happened yesterday. I don't tell people how my parents died. Mainly because I feel extremely guilty. The only people who know besides my family is Brent and Noah and only because they were at the funeral. You see, I was kidnapped when I was 13. The guy who kidnapped me was young. Probably only 19 at the time. I was gone for two weeks. Those two weeks were filled with me being mentally, physically and sexually abused by my abductor. Finally one day my parents found me. It turns out my parents were both in a gang and it was a rival gang that kidnapped me. They let me go but not my parents. I had to watch them die right in front of me. I didn't know they were in a gang. No one knows the full story. Not even Noah, Brent or Ethan. And then there's Asher. I would love to be honest with him but I'm not ready.

As I made my way back downstairs everyone stared at me and I smiled back.

"I'm okay guys. Really." It wasn't necessarily a lie. But I will NEVER be 100% okay sooooo.
" I was wondering if  we could all just hang out today. Act like today isn't one of the worst days of my life." Asher pulls me into a hug.

"You Cassidy Rivers, are the absolute strongest and bravest person I know." He says before placing a kiss on my lips. I smile at him and we begin our movie marathon. After hours of Disney movies we decide to go to the dinner. Once we arrive I get a burst of confidence.

"Guys, I-i think it's time I tell you all about what REALLY happened to my parents."

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