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2 months later

Today is the day we find out the gender of Jelly Bean and I couldn't be more excited. It's also the week of Christmas! We decided to go back to California to visit because this is the last time I can go on planes before I have the baby. Asher and I are currently watching the doctor examine the screen that our baby is on. She already out the cold gel on my growing belly.

"Alright Guys, we know the sex! Do you guys want me to tell you or write it down?" Asher and I look at each other.

"You can tell us"

At home

As soon as we walked through the door, everyone was bombarding us.

"How was it!"

"What's the gender!"

"Am I going to be an aunt or an uncle!" What?

"Um Brent, that's not how it works honey." I say concerned for this boys well being.

"Whatever whatever. What is the sex?"

"Hold on. Tell me what you guys think it is. Not what you want. But what you THINK it is."


"Guys, Jellybean is a boy."

"Yay!" Exclaimed the girls.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be an uncle!" Oh god Brent.

"I can teach him to ride a motorcycle!" Wtf Tony.

"I'm going to help him get chicks!" Luke no!

"I'm going to be a great godfather." Alright Peter. Alright.

"Woah woah woah. Okay girls I'm glad your excited,Brent um yeah congrats,Tony, there will be no joyrides with my son, Luke our baby does not need a wingman, and Peter, we haven't decided god parents yet." I explain. They all sighed and we began talking about the baby.

Well guys, I'm afraid this book has about two more chapter left!

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