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4 days later

"Do you guys like the food?" Peter asks. Lately he has been cooking more for us. However, Noah, Brent, Asher and Tony are annoying so they had to go get Chick-Fil a.

"It's really good Peter." His face lit up.

"Thanks guys. Cass can you pass me that glass of water please." I reach out to grab the drink but as soon as I pick it up it slips out of my hand and shatters on the floor.

"Damn it!" I yell with my eyes watering. I have been very emotional lately because my hormones have been all out of wack. Immediately Riley is at my side and picking up the glass.
"I'm so sorry- I-i didn't mean to i," And now I'm full on sobbing.

"It's fine Cassidy."

"You've been acting really weird lately are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay!" I scream again.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks.

"Nothing drop it." Laila hisses at him.

"Cass seriously tell us."

"I said drop it Luke." Peter bends down at my side.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" He begs.

"I'm pregnant!" I yell before covering my mouth. Shit that just happened. I want to run but I'm frozen in shock. Just then the front door opens revealing the rest of the boys. I look directly at Luke and Peter.
"Don't. Say. Anything." I whisper before whipping my eyes so it doesn't look like I'm crying. Peter and Luke are still in shock when the rest of the boys walk in and survey the scene.

"Woah what happened here? Are you okay Cassidy?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine I just dropped a glass and was picking it up." I say quickly with a fake smile.

"Oookkaaayyy. Why do Peter and Luke look like they just saw a ghost?" He asks waving his hand in front of their faces.

"The noise scared them." I respond quickly again. Tony nods and walks with Asher, Brent and Noah into the living room. Once they are out of sight I pull Luke, Peter and the girls up to my bedroom and lock the door. They sit on the bed with their jaws dropped.
"Soooooo, y'all gonna say something of no?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Y-you're pregnant? Like baby? IN you?" Pete asks stuttering and pointing at me.

"Yes. I'm pregnant. That's why I have been throwing up and my mood swings have been crazy. Anymore questions?"

"Are you keeping it?" I nod my head.

"I'm keeping it but NO ONE else knows except for you guys so don't tell them." I say sternly.

"Asher's?" I nod my head. They nod back and stand up before I know it I was pulled into a hug by Peter.

"Congratulations Cassy. Your going to be a great mommy." I smile and hug him back. I tell them one more time to not tell a y one before we walk downstairs. We go into the movie room and there are actually seats available. I leave them for Peter and Luke considering I always do but before I could walk over to Asher, Peter pulls me and sits me in his chair.

"Woah.  What's going on Pete?" I ask with a laugh. Everyone looks at us.

"You should split here from now on." He says. I know he is doing this because I told him about the baby. I sport to stand up only to be pushed back down. I sigh and stop trying. We were watching a movie and about halfway through I shivered because it was getting a little cold. Before I knew it a blanket was placed on me. I look over to see Luke smiling at me.

"Luke." I hiss causing everyone to look at me. I look at all my friends before making eye contact with Asher. I can't do this anymore.
"Ash, can I talk to you please." I say quietly while looking down. He nods and we walk out of the room. Before I could get out Laila stops me.

"You sure you want to do this?" I nod.

"I can't do this anymore." I say quietly before walking away to my bedroom with Asher. He sits on my bed and I sit next to him.

"So what's up. Why did you want to talk to me?" Asher asks concerned.

"Um, I-I , I wanted to tell you, I HAVE to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" He asks grabbing my hand. I look up at his eyes. I can't lie to him. I look back down at my lap. I take a long shaky deep breathe.

"Ash. I'm pregnant." The words that came out of my lips were BARELY audible. I look up to see his eyes widened and mouth partially open. Well I guess he heard it.

"Y-you are, there's- but- I'm going to be a dad?" He says processing everything in his head as he speaks.

"Only if you want to. I'm not going to make you. I mean-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by his lips crashing on to mine. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at me.

"I will always be there. For you AND for our baby."He says causing me to smile. He pulls me into a tight embrace.
"Who else knows?"

"Um Riley and Laila were with me when I found out last week, and Peter and Luke found out this morning because they slipped out of my mouth."

"You knew for a week?"

"Yeah. I wanted to go to the doctor to make sure I was ACTUALLY pregnant before telling you. Oh!" I got up from my bed and went over to a shoe box sitting on my dresser. I brink it over to my bed and pull out the pictures of our baby. I hand them to Asher.

"Holy shit! I'm gonna be a dad." He smiles widely causing me to laugh.

"Okay now I have to tell Noah, Brent and Tony. I'm scared to tell Tony so I'm going to do that last. I'm going to wait here, can you go get Brent and Noah?" Asher stands up and leaves before returning two minutes later with two boys. They sit across from me on my bed and Asher stands next to me.

"What's up chica?"

"Well. There is something I need to tell you guys. But first I need to show you something." I hand them the shoe box and they open in. Noah pulls out the pregnancy test and Brent pulls out the pictures. They both examin the objects before gasping simultaneously.

"Your pregnant?" I smile a little bit and nod.

"Yes." I say cautiously. They both hugged me tight and made sure I was happy before congratulating me. After about five minutes I realized I still had one more person to tell. Tony. We all walked downstairs and I called Tony to come over to the kitchen with me. He did  and he sat across from me at the table.

"Tone. I'm going to tell you something and I want you to remember that I love you and I'm happy." He looks at me wearily.


"Tony. I'm pregnant." I watched as his face changes from curiosity to rage. He turns around in his chair and points at Asher.

"You." He growls before jumping up from his chair and charging at Asher. Luckily Noah and Luke were able to hold him back and pin him against the wall. However he kept shouting.

"TONY STOP PLEASE! LOOK AT ME!" I yell before shoving the sonogram in his face.
"This is me and Asher's baby. YOUR niece or nephew."

"Tony I've only known about this kid for 20 minutes and I already love it to death." Asher says standing next to me. Tony is still breathing heavily.

"Tony please?" I beg. He looks me in the eye.

"I'm going to be an uncle?" Luke and Noah let go of him. Asher walks up to me and appeals his arms around my waist before spinning me around yelling.
"IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" I laugh. Suddenly all my fears about this baby have disappeared. Now I know that everything will be okay.


Heeellllooooo! Okie dokie. Do you guys want me to continue this book for many more chapters. Ended it in a few. Or end it in a few and write a sequel? Please let me know because I write so much that I need to know ASAP love you guys. Please vote and comment.❤️❤️❤️

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