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"EVERYONE WAKE THE FUCK UP! ITS TIME FOR VACATION!" I was rudely woken up by Brent who is banging lots and pans in my living room. All 8 of us groaned at his obnoxiousness. We all get up and ready before going outside to our cars. Luckily we loaded them earlier because there was no way we wanted to do it at 4 am. We took two cars and split up evenly. In Asher's car he is driving, Luke is sitting next to him, me and Tony are sitting behind them. In Peter's car Noah, Brent, Riley and Laila are. Peter pulls out first and we follow behind them to the airport. We arrive quickly and get out of the cars with our luggage. We walk over to the check in counter and give the lady all 18 of our bags. What? We're going for an entire month! What do you expect?! Next, we go to the security check line and wait an hour before finally all getting cleared. We had an hour before the plane began boarding so we went to the food court to get breakfast. They had a Mc Donald's and a Starbucks. We got our food and went to the waiting area to eat. By the time we finished a lady made an announcement over the airport's loud speaker.

"Flight 232 to California is now boarding. Please make your way to gate 6." With that we all stood up with our carry on and walked over to the line that was slowly growing at gate 6. We showed the lady our tickets before walking through the thingy connecting the airplane and the airport. Once we boarded the plane Luke made an announcement to us.

"Alrighty Guys, we got 9 tickets and there are three seats per row. In seats J1,2 and 3 are Cassidy, Laila and Riley. K1,2 and 3 are Peter, Noah and Tony. And J 4,5 And 6 Are me, Brent and Asher. Good? Great. Now sit." We went to our seat which were all situated right next to each other. We talked for a while before the plane began take off. Once we were situated in the air I'm pretty sure we all fell asleep considering we had to wake up in the middle of the night. So, the plane ride went relatively quick and before I knew it we were landing in California. We waited to be the last ones off that way we could avoid the crowd. We got off and went straight to the window and took a group selfie to remember this moment. We got our luggage and went to the shuttle taking us to our house.

Well House was an understatement. Luke wasn't kidding when he said it was a mansion. When we walked in our jaws dropped as Luke gave us the floor plan.

"Alrighty kiddos. 10 bedrooms 9 kids. Have at it. I'll be in the kitchen." We laughed as he walked into a large room I'm guessing is the kitchen.

"Oooooooh me too!" Brent yells before running after Luke. I roll my eyes and walk with everyone else up to the bedroom area. We claim our rooms and write signs with our names on them so we know who's is who. We go into our separate rooms and un pack. I love my room. It is slightly bigger than my one at home which is already pretty large. It also has an en suite which I'm happy about. I do NOT want to be sharing a bathroom with 6 dudes. The bed is a queen size and there is a tall dresser with a TV sitting on top. The walls are a pale blue and there is a huge window that looks out to the beach. Damn! It's gonna be hard leaving here and I just got here. Once I'm finished I go downstairs to the movie theatre. That's right a frickin movie theatre to see everyone else in the reclining chairs watching the Lion King. I laugh at the sight before realizing there are no seats left. I look at Asher who signals me over. I walk past everyone else and slide into his lap. Once I get comfortable I close my eyes and begin drifting off to sleep with the song Can You Feel The Love Tonight playing in my head.

Asher's POV

Damn how am I so lucky? I think to myself while rubbing circles in Cassidy's thigh with my thumb. The movie soon ended and I looked over to see everyone else standing up yawning. They say goodnight before walking out of the room. I scoop Cassidy in my arms and walk up the stairs. I walk down the hallway until I find the sign that says 'Cassy' on it. I push the door open and walk over to the bad before gently placing her down and pulling the quilt over her sleeping body. I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Night Cass. I love you." With that I walk out of the room and close the door quietly before going to my own room and falling fast asleep thinking of my perfect girlfriend.

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