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Cassidy's POV

1 month later

"Do I have to?" I whine as the boys drag me into school. The past month has been great I spent practically everyday with the boys. Asher and I are doing great. But sadly, school still exists. That's the only thing that could make my life perfect. But other than that, I'm pretty dang great. I talked to Ethan last week and he told me he is going on a road trip with his best friend Tommy. He left 5 days ago and He seemed really excited which made me happy. Also Tommy is a really nice person so I'm pretty happy.

As we all sat down in home ec Ms rafters gave us all our assignments and let us work on them with our partners. The day went by pretty quick. And now we are all sitting at lunch.

"So C. How is Ethan liking his road trip?" Brent asks me.

"Well last time I talked to him he was having fun.  I texted him yesterday and he said he might come to visit for a while." I say with a smile. I missed Ethan so much. I haven't seen him in about a month and a half. I also missed tommy. He has been Ethan's best friend for as long as I can remember but I haven't seen him in about a year. He was equally as protective over me as all the other guys in my life. I could really use some girl friends.

"That's cool! Did he say when?"

"No. But I texted him this morning asking him but he didn't answer me back yet which is weird. He could be driving though so I'm not too worried about it." Brent nodded and we continued to eat. The next two periods went by slow as hell but luckily next period we all have together again. Sadly we don't all sit next to each other like home ec. We walked into the classroom and took our seats waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson. Halfway through note taking our teacher, Mr. Lewis was interrupted by the door opening. Everyone looked over to see three police officers walk into the room. I looked at my friends and saw Asher noticeably stiffen and I looked at him confused. The officers went over to Mr Lewis and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and pointed directly at me. What? I looked back at Asher an He was beyond confused. I looked up at the officer approaching my desk.

"Are you Cassidy Rivers?" I gulped and nodded my head slowly.
"You need to come with us, you are not in trouble." He says signaling for me to stand up. I do so and look at all my friends who are so concerned.

"C?" Brent and Noah say at the same time Asher says, "Babe?" I shake my head showing them that I don't know what's going on and walk out of the room. We walk in silence to the cop car and we get in before driving away. When we arrive at a hospital and go in I was shaking like crazy when we sat down and my phone was blowing up with text messages from the boys. The one police officer noticed and turned to look at me.

"Hi Cassidy. I'm officer Barnes and this is Officer Gates. You are NOT in trouble by any means. However there has been an accident including your brother Ethan Rivers-" after those words left his mouth the entire world went silent and I couldn't see anything. I felt like the room started to spin and before I know it, everything went black.

Asher's POV

Watching Cassidy walk out with the police officers was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I was so confused because it is usually me who is being escorted out of classrooms by police officers. As soon as the bell rang Brent, Noah and I ran to my car and began driving. We decided to go to the police station to see if she was there. When she wasn't, we decided to go to the closest hospital. I quickly parked the car and we sprinted through the front doors. Noah spotted the two police officers who took Cassidy sitting in the waiting room so we went over to them. Where was Cassidy?

"What happened officer?" Noah asks quickly the second they look at us. They stayed silent.

"GOD DAMIT WHERE IS SHE? WHERES CASSIDY?"I shout causing everyone in the waiting room to flinch.

"I'm going to need you to calm down  Mr. Norman. Cassidy Rivers fainted and was brought to a room. I can't tell you anymore information until we tell her." Officer Gates says calmly 0lacing a hand on my shoulder. Yeah I've met him once or twice. Or five times. I nodded and Brent asked if we can go see her. They nodded and brought us to her room. I sat next to the bed and grabbed her hand.

"Cass? Babe it's okay, can you wake up now?"I say quietly. I watch as her eyes flutter open.

"W-what happened? Where's Ethan?" She says freaking out. What? Why was she looking for Ethan? Just then Officer Gates began to speak up. He took a seat next to Cassidy and placed a hand in her shoulder.

"Calm down sweetie. I'm sorry to tell you that Ethan Rivers passed away peacefully due to injuries related in a car crash." Everyone in the room gasps in shock and we immediately begin to comfort Cassidy. But she keeps pushing us away from her whenever we try to get close.

"NO! NO! WHAT HAPPENED! HOW DID THIS HAOOEN?" She screams. With tears flowing down her face.

"I'm so sorry Cassidy. Ethan and Thomas Rolling were driving and were T-Boned by an 18 wheeler. The driver of the other car didn't make it either." He says calmly. Cassidy gasps again.

"TJ! No no no. Is Tommy okay. Where is tommy?" She says in a quiet voice about to sob again.

"I'm right here Cassy." We all look over to see a tall man standing in the door with light brown hair and clear green eyes. Cassidy gasps and jumps out of the hospital bed and runs into his arms. I gotta admit I was a little jealous that she wouldn't let me touch her yet she frickin tackles this dude.

Cassidy's POV

"Tommy!  I missed you so much!" I cry into Tommy's chest. He places a kiss on the top of my head.

"It's okay cassy. Everything will be okay. I'm here now. We will get through this together." He whispers before letting go and looking into my eyes.
"Wow. You've grown up so much. I can't believe it's been over a year." I nod and look back at my friends as Noah and Brent stand up.

"Hey man. Long time no see." Brent says giving Tommy a bro hug. Noah does the same thing.

"Damn you guys also got big. I still remember when you guys were 3 years old."

"Yea and you and Ethan would terrorize us." I say smiling at the memories.its going to be so weird without Ethan. I look over at Asher who feels very uncomfortable.
"Oh T, this is-"

"Asher Norman. Yeah I've heard of him. Definitely not good things." Tommy says mumbling the last part. Asher stands up and extends a hand to Tommy.

"Hello Thomas I'm Asher, Cassidy's boyfriend nice to meet you." He says ignoring Tommy's rudeness. Tommy hesitantly shakes Asher's hand. Asher then walks over and hugs me whispering in my ear.

"Are you okay?" I sigh.

"No. But I will be." I will be okay.

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