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One month later

"Okay class, I know that it is the last day of school and you guys are excited but, we still have a few presentations left so please be respectful and give the presenter your FULL attention." Ms. Rafter says earning a nod from everyone in the class. The last month has been both amazing and weird. All of my friends have been working hard to except each other and become mutuals. For the most part is was okay but I feel like someone always felt left out. We have all also been spending time together in small groups or one on one so we can all get to know and understand each other. It was a little awkward spending one on one time with Asher but I'm glad to say we have moved on from our fight. I learned to except the fact that i can't change who he is and that he IS actually a good guy.

"Peter you will start us off for today." Peter sighs and stands up before walking to the front of the class.
"Who will you be speaking your vows to?"

"Cassidy." He smirks as I stand up and walk over to him.
"Cass, when I first met you I was weary to accept someone new into the friend group. You know how I dont do well with change but for some reason you made it feel better." He went on to say some of his favorite memories of us. Once he was finished, everyone clapped and he went back to his seat. I followed. I'm so great full I did my presentation yesterday. I wrote my vows to Noah. I wanted to than him for the lifetime of happiness he has given me.

"Very good job Peter. Okay we only have one more person left, Asher." He grabbed my hand and dragged me up to the front of the classroom.

"Cassidy Rose Rivers, you are the girl who changed me. Before I met you I was a bad boy with no heart. I made many mistakes in my life but you were willing to look past them and give me a chance. A chance at friendship. From that day on I knew that I couldn't do anything to mess up this wonderful relationship we had. Yet I did. Not talking to you for that time was the hardest thing I had to do. I'm the luckiest guy alive to ha e someone as forgiving and loving as you in my life. You taught me that it was okay for me to be myself. You taught me how important good friends are. But most importantly, you taught me how to love. Before I met you, I didn't know what Love was. Now I do. Love is us. Me and you. I love you Cassidy Rivers and there is nothing in the world that could change that. So, with that being said, will you be my girlfriend again?" I stare at him in shock for a moment before wiping my eyes and nodding yes.
"Yes? You said- SHE SAID YES!" He screams before hugging me close. I look up at him as he places a kiss on my lips.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

I guess happy endings do exist. (Just kidding it's not the end yet)
Our hug was soon broken apart by the beck ringing, signal,in that it was time for lunch. We walked out of the classroom hand in hand as we made our way to the lunch room. We sat at our table where everyone was already sitting and waiting for us with happy smiles. I guess Brent already told them. He has such a big mouth! Asher and I sat down in our usual seats and joined the conversation.

"So are you guys doing anything this summer?" Luke asks. We all shake our heads no. He smiles widely.
"GREAT! Guys you need to go home and pack your bags." We all look at him confused.

"Why? What are you talking about?" Riley asks anxiously.

"Well my dear friends. I may or may not have rented a seaside mansion in the sunny state of California for us. For a month." We all gasp.

"Are you serious!"

"Dead serious. We leave in two days. So after graduation tonight, go home and pack. Tomorrow we will bring all of our stuff to one of our houses, probably Cass's, because we leave at 4 am the next day. I bought the plane tickets and you can each bring two large suitcases, and a medium size carry-on." We stare at him with our jaws dropped to the floor before breaking out in screams and 'thank you' s. This is going to be the best summer ever.

Graduation that Night.

"Peter Alice"
"Riley Coph"
"Noah Drake"
"Tony Erickson"
"Laila James"
"Asher Norman"
"Brent Praline"
"Cassidy Rivers"
"Luke Vince"

We stood up to accept our diplomas as our names were called. We did it! After the ceremony we all gathered in a group hug. We decided to go out to a celebratory dinner at the dinner. May the best summer ever begiiiiiin...NOW!

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