Once in love

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Mia's POV

"Okay so what exactly are we waiting for ?" I hear Alexa say through the mic in my ear .

"We're waiting for Sarah to hack into the cameras to see if this guy has back up." me , Jenna , Alexa and Sarah are currently on a mission, ever since the break up I've been doing missions to distract myself, but it only goes so far..as I think about him I start to tear up.

"Are you okay ?" I snap out of my thoughts,

"You haven't zoned out like that since I first met you, what's on your mind ?" Jenna asks with concern in her voice , I immediately shrug it off pretending as if I don't care.

" I'm fine. Let's focus. " I say coldly , she looks at me for a moment then straight ahead , we are currently outside of a bank hiding behind the building, we got a police report of it being robbed so I decided to get the team and head out .

"Okay there is 4 guys in there all armed , they are in the big safe and have people hostage , good Luck." I hear Sarah say , I nod and get up from the hiding position, I turn as Alexa puts her hand on my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing we need a plan first. " she says in a harsh whisper , I look at her for a moment ,

" I have a plan, go in take them out and save the hostages , let's go." I continue to walk up the stairs and as I go to open the door it's locked .

" I got this ." I hear Jenna say , she takes out the bomb and latches it on the door , we back up and I look at Jenna,

"Blow it up ." I tell her , she nods and presses the button and it goes off causing the doors to explode open , we quickly rush In and see the men with bags of money look at us in shock , they immediately point there guns at us .

"Don't move. " one of the guys say , I smirk at him ,

"No, you don't move ." As I say that I take the black smoke bomb and throw it to the ground , as it goes off I hear the men ask each other where they go.

I quickly Sneak behind them, I run and kick one of them in the rib, I roll front ward and turn to punch the other guy in the jaw causing him to stumble.

I then kick him where the sun doesn't shine and finally kick his jaw causing him to fall , I see Alexa duck as the guy try's to hit her and she jabs him in the stomach and then his jaw causing him to stumble back.

She then puts him down by stunning him in the neck, I look around to see Jenna getting choked , I quickly take out my throwing knife and aim it at his shoulder.

I throw it and he groans out and falls to the ground, Jenna kicks him out cold , she looks at me and I smirk , she playfully rolls her eyes and us three walk up to each other .

"Good job guys , let's call it in to the police ." Alexa says , I nod in agreement and we run out the bank before they arrive.

Time to go home .

Damon's POV

Ever since the break up I've been doing everything I can to get Anna and her gang members out of this town so I don't have to worry about her hurting Mia anymore .

"Hey man, any leads ?" James asks , I sigh and shake my head no.

"She's like a ghost, only seen when she wants too. " I say. Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, I miss her , so much .

" Damon you alright?" I snap out of my thoughts as James calls me ,

"Yeah I'm okay ." I clear my throat and start to walk out the room ,

" I need some air ."


I head into the bar and take a seat , I run my hands through my hair , I can't get her out of my head , never could have .

"Looks like you need a drink. " I hear the bartender say, I look at him and shrug my shoulders,

"Wanna talk about it ?" He says as he hands me a cigarette , I put it between my lips as he lights it up , I inhale and blow the smoke out after.

" I lost the love of my life ." I say to the stranger , he looks at me and sighs ,

"Those are the worst , you know I was in love once , didn't work out at first , but if it's real , they always come back. " he says with a smile on his face , I look at him and think for a moment .

" yeah, I guess your right. " he nods and starts to clean the glasses on the table with a cloth ,
" what's your name ?" I ask him ,

" Keith Johnson , yours ?" He asks , I get up From my seat .

" Damon rose ."

Mia's POV

I open my bedroom door and walk in , I sigh as I take off my shoes .

I walk into the bathroom and undress and hop in the shower , I close my eyes and let the water hit me, I start to think of the time damon walked in right after I was done take a shower.

As my tears drop they blend in with the water , I start sobbing and fall to the ground , I wrap my arms around my legs and stay there for hours..
Am I ever gonna get over this ?

Jenna's POV

As I walk in Jame's room I see damon , look at him with confusion then anger ,

"What the hell are you doing in here ?" I ask him , he walks up a little and I cross my arms .

" I don't wanna argue , I just wanna ask some questions ." he says in a calm voice , I look at him and roll my eyes ,

" whatever, speak ." He looks at me and sighs , Like he's tired and hasn't slept in days .

" how's Mia doing ?" My eyes slightly widen , my fist balls up tightly ,

" how's Mia doing ? She's a mess! You broke her damon don't you see that ?! How could you ask that question right now ?" I say to him , I see the sadness In his eyes , why is he sad ? It's his fault .

" I'm sorry ." I hear him whisper, I look at him for a moment ,

" Damon..don't be sorry to me, be sorry to her ." I say, he nods and walks out the room ,

That was weird.

Mia's POV

As I finish blow drying my hair I walk out the bathroom. I gasp as I see Vicious sitting on my bed .

"What are you doing here Vicious. " I ask him , he looks at me and smirks ,

" I just wanted to see you. " I tilt my head to the side ,

" why ?" I quietly ask , he gets up and stalks towards me , I start to back up and my back hits the bathroom door .

"You know why ." he says , I see his eyes darken ,

" I can't do this right now Vicious, I just got cheated on , I lost someone special to me , don't you understand?" I start to tear up as I say that , he backs up and looks at me with a sad look .

" I'm sorry princess, you didn't deserve that. " he whispers, I look at him and wrap my arms around him .

I feel him tense up but wrap his arms around me , we pull away and he takes my hand and guides me to the bed , we lay down and I let sleep take over .
I feel much better now .

That's it for this chapter ! What did you guys think ?

What did you think about the girls going on a mission without the boys ?

Do you think Mia will ever move on from damon ?

Why do you think Damon's so upset about this ? Did he make a mistake?

Find out next chapter!

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