Who The Fuck Are You?

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I wake still naked in Michael's embrace, a dull ache in my stomach.

Fuck, we forgot about dinner.

I slowly move Michael's arm from me and slip out of bed. Grabbing one of his T-shirt's and a pair of boxers, I tip toe out of our room to find the kitchen. I didn't even check the time but it's still dark and hopefully everyone is still in bed.

I use my sense of smell, and hungry belly, to guide me to the kitchen, but disappointment hits when another scent catches my attention; Alpha Carl, and he smells worried.

I walk into the kitchen to find him sitting at the dining table in the middle of the room, coffee cup in hand and his long hair swept into a messy bun. He doesn't look like he's been to bed yet, his eyes are dark and hooded as if deep in thought.

He doesn't speak but nods in acknowledgment of my presence. I take that as the "ok" to awkwardly shuffle further into the room.

"Sorry to disturb you Alpha Carl, I'm just hungry and was hoping to grab something to eat." I'm all of a sudden shy in his presence, his casual deep armhole tank top displays his impressive physique and it throws me off.

"Help yourself." He says in a gruff voice while gesturing to the cupboards and fridge, not really paying much attention to me.

I decide a small sandwich will hit the spot and busy myself finding the ingredients. Alpha Carl doesn't move, he just returns to staring down into his cup. Having never met him before, I'm not sure if he's the strong silent type or if he would appreciate some small talk, but I do want to address our encounter earlier as he probably thinks we are quite rude and abrupt. Clearing my throat, I turn to face him.

"I want to apologise for earlier. It's not easy for Michael and I to talk about... our situation." I pause before referring to what can only be described as "our situation" for the time being, at least until everyone else has arrived. He chews on his lip before taking another large sip from his mug. I tug at the hem of my T-shirt in the silence and curse myself for not putting on more clothes to walk around another man's house.

He looks up at me, paying no attention to my awkwardness and stares into my eyes.

"I understand, It must be hard for Michael as he was the next in line after his father. You must be some woman to take on the role of Alpha over him. I've seen him fight."

I sigh at his words, he thinks I bet Michael in a challenge. To become an Alpha it must be passed down from Father to Son or challenge a current Alpha to a fight, usually to the death although not always. Little does he know, neither is how I became an Alpha. And it wasn't going to go down well with everyone.

I've always enjoyed combat and training. When we were younger, Michael and I were quite evenly matched in a fight. I am deceptively strong although I wasn't quite as strong as him, but what I lacked in strength I made up for in speed and tactics. However as we grew up and especially now that I am the Alpha, my abilities are stronger. I gain more power with the loyalty and respect my pack gives me. I win every time and deep down I think he hates it.

Alpha Carl's eyes scan over me, not lustfully, just in an inquisitive way, taking in my build. I'm tall but not excessively muscular or strong looking. I train hard and am in good shape but it's what lurk beneath that holds the real power.

"We train from ten in the morning if you want to join." He says quizzically.

I nod. It would be a good way to relieve some stress, other than sex. I stare through Alpha Carl as I think back to earlier this evening. Michael really does know how to please me. I can feel the heat rising in me as my focus comes back to the room. My cheeks flush as I make eye contact with Alpha Carl and I cough myself out of my thoughts while he chuckles.

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