Catch Me If You Can

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Carl rushes to my side and helps me up. Stumbling to my feet, my eyes are wide watching the fight in front of us.

As I make a step forward, Carl puts an arm out in front of me to stop me. I try to push it out of the way but he steps in front of me, hands on my shoulders.

"This has been a long time coming. Let it happen." His voice is even and he doesn't seem concerned or worried. Words fail me as I peer around Carl's muscular arm to see the tangle of fur and rage behind him.

"They need to relieve the tension between them. It's been brewing from the very first day they met. It's not about you, it's about them." He steps away and tries to shepherd me towards the house. I don't move, eyes fixed on the altercation in front of me.

"I can't just let them fight. This is ridiculous." I say striding towards them. Carl hurries behind me and tugs at my arm, pulling me back.

"You shouldn't get mixed up in that testosterone, Meila."

"Watch me." I scoff. Fucking men and their testosterone.

I leap into the air and shift into my wolf, landing only feet away from the snapping and growling mess that is Christopher and Michael.

I let out a powerful howl, signalling them to stop their nonsense. Annoyingly, they barely even flinch, only briefly turning their heads before returning their attention back to each other.

A growl rumbles from deep in my chest, my rage building at their complete disregard for my authority. They are thinking with their dicks and I will not allow it. I'm their fucking Alpha.

I shift my weight backwards, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce. Once they separate briefly I make my move, launching myself between them and snapping at Michael's face.

They both step back, attention still focussed on each other. Both walking around me trying to catch a glimpse of the other, teeth showing and threatening growls falling from their mouths.

I watch them both as they pace side to side, trying to find a way around my large wolf, treating me as if I was some obstacle in their way rather than their Alpha.

I turn my full attention to Michael. His eyes avoid mine, but I give him no choice but to acknowledge me as I stalk towards him, a low, powerful growl rolling from my snarling mouth. He stops pacing and meets my intense stare, my red eyes burning holes into his black ones.

As I approach he continues to stand strong, not wavering in his defiance. I bare my teeth further and crouch lower, ready to engage, showing him that this isn't a fucking game and I will hurt him if needs be.

His confidence falters as he bows his head and shifts back into his human form. He kneels naked in front of me, neck exposed and panting heavily, tired by the fight. I keep my strong stance, teeth bared and eyes boring into him.


He turns and leaves. If he was still in wolf form, his tail would well and truly be tucked between his legs.

I turn to face Christopher. His head is already bowed, eyes flicking between the ground and me.

I'm mad at him. So fucking mad at him. But so many other feelings and thoughts circle my mind.

I am in awe of his wolf's stature. I am proud that he had shifted for the first time since he'd been taken. I am so turned on at his wolf's presence, I could pounce on him right this second.

I walk up to him and gaze down at the masterpiece that stood before me. His pitch black fur is now ruffled and coated in mud and saliva from the fight. His eyes are deep, mesmerising pools of darkness drawing me in. And he exudes power and strength, making me purr intensely as I approach.

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