Don't Go

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My Dearest Meila...

I write this letter on my deathbed with a heavy heart. And sadly I don't have the strength or courage to tell you to your face. The thought of seeing the way you look at me once you know the truth only breaks my heart. Please know that what I am about to tell you has been my biggest regret. I love you little one, as if you were one of my own. But I have lied to you from the beginning.

I followed in my father's footsteps from a young age. He introduced me to a group called The Elite. They pledged to protect and support werewolf kind and to me this sounded like a great honour to help my people. Time passed and I was inducted as a full member. However, under Alpha Damien's rule, everything changed.

He was hellbent on fulfilling the Golden One prophecy and as he became more obsessive, he became more violent and cruel. It was then I started to gradually pull back from my duties with The Elite, just enough so that Damien wouldn't notice. I decided I didn't want to pass this legacy on to Michael. The Elite had lost their way.

As a member, I still had responsibilities. Damien informed me he had held you captive and you had managed to escape. He knew you would be close to my territory, as I was the closest in the area, and asked me find you. He wanted me to keep you until he needed you again. I know I was no saint, but holding and torturing a child is a heinous act. I couldn't side with him but I also couldn't disobey him.

Finding you that day broke my heart. Part of me was glad you couldn't remember and I wanted to offer you a fresh start. I took you in and cared for you as one of my own in the hopes that it would repair some of the damage that I had caused as part of The Elite.

Maybe it was selfish and maybe I was looking for redemption. But please know the love and care I gave you was from my heart. I prepared you mentally and physically and gave you the education about your prophecy and abilities so that one day you would be ready to fulfil your destiny.

By now, I'm sure you are well aware of Damien and his group of followers. He vowed he would be back for you and once I'm gone, I doubt he will wait long. You are strong and capable, you can survive this. You can beat him.

I am so very proud of the woman you've become, Meila. You are all I dreamed for and more in a daughter. I know you will be the saviour of our species and you will save us from Damien and his pureblood frenzy. He wants to tear us down whereas I know you will build us back up.

I believe in you Meila, with all of my heart. I don't ask for your forgiveness, just know the day we met was the turning point for me. You made me see the light. You are the light.

Be careful, so many people want to be around you for the wrong reasons. Shield your heart and protect yourself.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be the man you thought I was. And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you all this before I left you. Just know I love you little one.

Always, Francis

Tears trickle down my cheeks and drop from my chin onto the crumpled paper in my hands. Reading his words, I could hear his voice, I could feel his regret and I could sense his love. But still, he betrayed me.

I have endured so much hurt over the past six months and it seems to keep on coming. Testing my resolve and my nurturing and forgiving nature with every blow.

Push too hard on someone and they will break. And I am so very close to breaking.

Throwing the piece of paper at the desk, I bring my hands to my head, balling my fists around my golden hair, and squeeze my eyes shut.

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