They're Under Attack!

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Christopher has been at my pack for several days now and it's been the happiest few days I've had in ages. We are like giddy teenagers, constantly kissing and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings. I have no doubt we are getting on people's nerves.

We have been sharing a bed but I can't bring myself to move past steamy make out sessions. There's still something holding me back, and I think it might be my heart.

Michael has been more absent than usual, understandably, but Ayoke has been more present than ever before. When I am busy, she is constantly quizzing Christopher about Carl and asking if he's ok. I didn't know, but Carl had found his mate when Christopher was being held captive. She had later died in a rogue attack, Christopher had never met her.

I think Ayoke and Carl are good for each other and even though she is 11 years his senior, you wouldn't notice. They looked so sweet together at the feast and I'm happy if she's happy. Christopher also told me in confidence that Carl has been pining for her since she left.

"Well who wouldn't be pining after this?" She flicks her braids in a comical fashion as she speaks. Ok, admittedly I didn't keep it to myself.

"Anyway, since I'm clearly not getting any please tell me you guys are doing the nasty." She grins and rubs her hands together and I roll my eyes.

"Ayo, stop!" I tap her arm slightly and she gasps.

"Wait. Not even a little naughtiness?" Her face is plastered with shock. I shuffle awkwardly and look at the ground.

"But you were basically jumping on anyone who touched you before he got here!" Her voice is filled with surprise, she shakes me at my shoulders and I meet her gaze.

"It's eased off now he's here. W-we've done some over the clothes stuff." I speak quietly, embarrassed at the topic of conversation.

"Girl you must have hella good self-control. I was lying next to—" I growl at her before she can finish.

"A little possessive are we?" She chuckles at me and I smack my palm to my face at my behaviour.

Where are you?

Christopher's voice rings in my head, sounding panicked. I reply and he runs to us.

"I have to go! Carl, the pack, they're under attack!" His eyes are wide as he speaks frantically and tugs at my arm.

"Wait, wait. Calm down, what has Carl said." I hold onto him trying to keep him as calm as possible.

"A pack of feral rogues attacked out of the blue! I have to go to him."

A pack he said? Rogues are packless and notoriously don't group together, only a hand full here and there. As I'm thinking he's trying to run off but run where? It'll be all over before we get to them.

"Christopher, look at me." My voice is firm. He reluctantly stops wriggling.

"We are three hours away by car, an hour and a half or two by wolf as the crow flies. We can't do anything." It's harsh but it's true and he knows it. He melts into my arms and I nod to Ayoke, she turns on her heel and marches back to the pack house. She's going to see if she can see the outcome.

"I can't lose him too, I just can't." He whimpers in my arms and I stroke his hair trying to calm him.

"We can leave now so that we can be there to support them in the aftermath, no matter what." He raises his head and his eyes are filled with tears though they don't fall. He nods and we hurry to the house to pack a bag and leave.

Michael and Ayoke meet us at the SUV, I briefly explain to Michael and he nods. I have no worries leaving pack business to him, he's more than capable. Christopher is now in the car and Ayoke leans in to whisper what she has seen.

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