The Elite

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I lay on the table Ayoke has prepared, fear rushing through my body causing a slight shake to run through me.

The Alphas are sitting in rows, ready to watch the spectacle before them. Christopher stands behind the table, scanning for danger, and Carl is slightly off to the side, ready to support if needed.

Ayoke towers over me, making her final adjustments to the set up. Her hand brushes over mine and I take the opportunity to grab on to it and squeeze.

"Don't stop." My voice is strong despite feeling quite the opposite. "No matter what happens, don't stop. We need answers." I plead with her now, this is too important to worry about my pain or suffering. This is for all of werewolf kind.

I turn my head to Christopher, he needs to know the same.

"You can't interfere. My pain could find the answers to save our species. You will not interfere." The last sentence is an order, an order from his Alpha. He presses his lips together and his brow knots in frustration. He knows I'm right; I am only one wolf but one wolf who could save the entirety of our kind. But to him I am the only wolf that matters, his mate, and it will hurt to see me in pain and not be able to help me.

He leans forward and places a soft kiss on my forehead before leaving a more passionate one on my lips.

He pulls back slightly and gazes down at me, eyes scanning over my face and taking me all in. He strokes my hair causing a wave of calm to rush over me.

"Meila, I— I lo—"

"We should start." Before he can finish, Ayoke's firm voice cuts him off and he sighs and stands up. I know what he was going to say, but saying it now feels like goodbye.

Ayoke takes a few deep breaths before placing one hand on my head and one hand over my heart. Her eyes are shut tightly together before she gasps and opens them wide, bright white light glowing from her sockets.

The glowing doesn't stop at her eyes as the markings on her skin illuminate, brighter than I have ever seen before. A dull ache starts in my chest and quickly radiates through my body. It's followed by a stabbing pain in my gut and I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block it out. Christopher whines beside me, clearly feeling my agony, but holds himself back.

Another jab of pain hits and once again I am swallowed by darkness.

"You are so very special Meila." A strong and familiar voice comes from the darkness. I blink repeatedly trying to see clearly where I am and who I am with.

"You will grow up to be the strongest of us all." The voice continues as my eyes start to see blurry shapes and the darkness starts to recede.

"You are one of us, you are part of The Elite and we must keep our species superior." The voice comes from the man now stood right in front of me. Everything about him is familiar, his voice, his scent and the discomfort I feel in his presence.

"H-how d-do we keep it s-superior?" I manage to stammer out. With each passing second my vision is becoming clearer, my senses are less impaired.

"The species needs a cleanse. The weak must be removed in order for the strong to thrive."

"You want to kill people?" My voice is quiet and high pitched, fear radiating around my whole body.

"We will kill people. You have already helped us greatly. Using your blood will remove the weakest of us, and we will survive. Together we can rule over a stronger species."

"I don't want to rule. I don't want people to die." I feel my tiny fists clench, my childlike voice becoming stronger.

"We will rule and they will die." The strong voice becomes louder and angry.

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