Mark Me

149 9 3

"Do you want to stop for lunch on the way back to your pack? "

"Mmhmm." I gaze out the window of Christopher's office, mind lost in thought.

"You know I was thinking about buying a pink unicorn and riding off into the sunset on it."

"Sounds good."

"M, you're not even listening to me." Christopher's raised voice pulls me back to reality. I turn to face him and offer him a shy smile.

"What's going on, sunshine? Is this about yesterday? Do you regret it?" His eyes helplessly scan mine as he shifts his weight uncomfortably.

"Of course not!" I stand and walk over to him, throwing my arms around his neck before giving him a gentle peck.

"Yesterday was amazing. My only regret is holding back for so long." My voice is soft and reassuring. I don't want him to think I regret yesterday at all. It was one of the best moments of my life and definitely the best sex I've ever had.

I felt connected to him on a new level and, instead of my usual uncertainty, I was filled with confidence in our relationship.

But I couldn't help but let my mind wander to the encounter I'd witnessed between Ayoke and Damien. What had they fought about? How do they know each other?

"I'm just thinking about other stuff." I say, still resting my arms around his neck while his hands are settled on the top of my ass cheeks.

"So a pink unicorn huh?" I say cheekily and wink. He laughs and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and lands a rough kiss on my lips. I respond by running a hand into his hair and nibbling at his bottom lip. I feel so care free around him now. Like all my worries and problems fade away just being in his embrace.

After several minutes of heated kisses he drops me back to the floor. He brushes stray strands of hair away from my face and cups it in his hands.

"I spoke to Carl about going to your pack... for good." He looks down at me, glowing green eyes melting my heart. Of course that was our only real option; as an Alpha I couldn't leave my pack. But it feels good that I don't have to ask or feel like I have forced him into it.

I smile back at him. A thought that only a few days ago might of scared me, now offers me such happiness and joy.

"So when we go back today, you'll be staying indefinitely?" My voice is high pitched and excited. He chuckles at my response.

"Forever if you'll have me, sunshine." I blush and he places a kiss on my forehead.

We haven't discussed the future at all. Hell, we have only known each other for two months. Although I've known some wolves to have found their mate and be knocked up by now, we are going at our own pace. The mention of forever has my stomach doing flips, the good kind. Stood before me is the man I will mate with, marry, have pups and grow old with. And I'm not scared anymore, I am excited.

"Forever." I say with a cheesy grin on my face. His cheeky smirk flickers for a second while his cheeks turn slightly pink. It doesn't last long before he pulls me back in for another passionate kiss.

"I want to take you on a date tonight." I say pulling back from the kiss.

"You want to take me?" He says furrowing his brow.

"It's 2020, a woman can take a man out. Plus I owe you since you've taken me out at your pack, I'll take you out at mine."

"As you wish, Alpha." He bows mockingly and I slap him lightly on the shoulder, giggling as I do.

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