We Will Rise

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"Meila! Stop!" Carl shouts as he roughly pulls my hand from around Ayoke's throat, pushes me back and stands protectively in front of her.

Christopher moves to my side growling at his brother for laying his hands on me.

"She's here to help." He pleads with us as Ayoke coughs behind him.

"And you believe anything that comes out of that snake's mouth?!" I spit at him, my hands curled into fists. Anger pulses through me at the sight of Ayoke, her betrayal still weighing heavily on me.

"She's here to tell you something, just hear her out." He pleads again but it does nothing to soften my hard exterior.

"Pfft. Hear her out? As if I'll listen to any more of her bile. Don't be pussy whipped, Carl, see her for what she is; a traitor." I scoff and snap at him and he tenses in return. His hands ball into fists to match mine as he makes a move towards me. A low, threatening growl rumbles from Christoper as he too makes a menacing step forward.

Carl slumps his shoulders once more, backing down from the confrontation. Christopher calms beside me, rests his hand on my hip and leans forward to whisper in my ear.

"Maybe we should hear her out, sunshine. It might be important." I let out a defeated sigh at his words and relax my poised to fight muscles.

I nod at Carl to move and he does, although only slightly. Ayoke's usually tall frame is hunched in the shadow of Carl. Her skin looks dull and tired, her eyes have lost their sparkle and her overall energy is timid and uneasy; the complete opposite of the woman I knew. But actually, I never really knew her at all. I sigh again as she finally brings her eyes to meet mine.

"Meila, I'm so—" I roll my eyes and cut her off before she can continue.

"I don't want to hear your sorrys. Your apologies mean shit to me. Actions speak louder than words so if you're really are here to help, start talking." Hatred taints my voice but under the hatred, it's hurt. Christopher strokes at my side under my shirt trying to keep me calm as Ayoke shuffles uneasily and begins to speak again.

"It's tonight. The battle happens tonight." Her voice shakes slightly and her eyes fall to the ground. Christopher grips at my waist with such force I audibly wince. He releases quickly and apologises repeatedly. The room is silent apart from Christopher's hushed apologies as everyone is absorbing the news.

"You're sure?" I say in disbelief.

"Yes. I saw it last night. I came here straight away to tell you." I can tell by her shift in tone and demeanour she is telling the truth. Her words linger in the air as we all stand, heads bowed and hearts heavy.

This was it.

"Michael. Ready the warriors and prepare the grounds. Carl and Ayoke, round up the non-fighters and children and bring them to the security of the pack house. I want everyone fed and watered and ready to fight. I'll meet you on the field. Go." Although my voice is firm, inside I am a nervous wreck. It all boiled down to this, apparently.

I've never given much thought to dying. If this is the turning point in the prophecy I am either going to die and doom the whole species or live and save them.

My recent traumas have prevented me from thinking about this moment. I have been distracted. And I bet that's exactly what Damien wanted.

I was distracted by Christopher and Michael and I was distracted by Ayoke and Francis. And behind it all, Damien was at the root of it. He took Christopher and released him at what he said was the opportune moment. He told me about Ayoke and Francis knowing the betrayal would affect me. He said it was all about timing. And I've totally played into his hands.

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