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This chapter is dedicated to Christopher and will look at his point of view and some important information only he had... Sorry, it's very long... (That's what Christopher said )

Ayoke's Betrayal...

I feel Meila's hurt ripple through me in shockwaves. The realisation that her best friend started her cycle of pain trickles through her mind before it builds to a crescendo and she storms over in her direction. I watch her drag Ayoke by the hair down the stairs and throw her on the grass. My eyes flick to Carl who is standing a few feet away, his eyes wide watching the scene unfold.

Ayoke lied to us, to all of us, and she started this whole thing by finding Meila and I. I watch on as Meila screams and spits down at Ayoke who is trembling on the ground. I have never seen Meila like this, but she has every right to behave this way.

I take a calculated step forward to try and calm her but she stops me before I can even get close. I want to reach out to her, to sweep her away but she is the Alpha.

"I sentence you to death." Her words ring in the air. Carl sucks in a sharp breath at her sentence and I don't know what to do. I feel helpless watching her loom threateningly over Ayoke.

Then I feel his presence.

Michael sweeps passed me with a glancing blow from his shoulder to mine as he moves towards Meila. He turns her quickly, grabbing her face and holding her still. My body tenses watching him touch her.

"This isn't you." His voice is strong and has its desired effect when she crumbles in his arms. I stifle the growl forming deep in my stomach watching them melt into a tender embrace.

"Take her to the cells." His commanding voice only fuels my anger but I listen, for Meila.

Carl silently follows the command too and helps me scoop Ayoke from the ground. We are all silent on the way to the cells, apart from Ayoke's heavy sobs. I want to shout at her, to hurt her for hurting Meila, but really I feel sorry for her.

Once Ayoke is behind bars, Carl makes a quick exit. I pause a second, looking down at the woman responsible for my deepest pain before releasing a deep sigh and turning to leave.

"Wait. Please." Her voice is quiet and pleading and it stops me in my tracks. I turn back and her big dark eyes are starring intently at me, tears still streaming.

"I-I'm truly sorry Christopher. I didn't understand what I was starting by finding you." She sounds and looks broken, I can't help but think she is being truthful.

"But you didn't stop it either." She flinches at my words, knowing I am right.

"I need to tell you something. About the prophecy." Her eyes fall to the floor. I step closer to the cell and nod for her to continue.

"I- I saw something... something awful." She shuffles her feet, eyes still avoiding mine.

"Spit it out Ayoke, I've never been a patient man." My words roll out through clenched teeth as I struggle to control my anger.

"Meila can't know. B-but you need to... you need to understand your role in all this." Still she fidgets awkwardly and I clench my fists.

"Ayoke..." I growl out her name and her eyes finally meet mine.

"You die." Her words hit me like a tonne of bricks. My rage dissipates instantly leaving only confusion and fear.

"I w-what?"

"You die. In a battle. I'm so sorry." Her voice is soft, filled with sorrow but I don't understand.

"Are you telling me this just to hurt me?" The anger returns and laces my voice. It's one of the only emotions I'm really comfortable in expressing.

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